In December 2021, a new set of Field Research assignments and awards will be added to Pokemon Go, and Niantic has revealed that this month’s Research Breakthrough reward is none other than Deino! Field Research was a significant update to the game in 2018, bringing new Pokémon Go objectives for users to complete. Completing Pokémon Field Research jobs earns you unique gifts as part of Research Breakthroughs, while Special Research activities allow you to discover previously unseen Pokémon, such as the elusive Mythical Pokémon Mew. Field research assignments and rewards change every month, but there are now numerous additions to…
Author: The West News
This Popular Multiplayer Game Is Totally Free to Play on Epic Games Store A new batch of free games has been added to the Epic Games Store’s catalogue. When it comes to Epic’s storefront, this week’s lineup is stronger than usual because one of the most popular multiplayer games released in recent years is included, making it a more robust rotation than usual. Dead by Daylight and True: learn () have been added to the Epic Games Store’s free-to-play list starting today and lasting until December 9. It’s notable that Dead by Daylight, a 4v1 survival game that still has…
Where to find Ore Veins in Minecraft Ore Veins are long veins of materials that you may come upon in Minecraft when traveling underground. You can find a range of different kinds of blocks in these snake-like patterns of minerals depending on where you are in your environment. For someone who has been digging their way through so many tunnels and ravines and battling with many hostile hordes, coming across one can be a welcoming sight. Here’s what to look for if you’re looking for Ore Veins in Minecraft. To find Ore Veins in Minecraft, you’ll have to go underground…
Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker Downtime: How Long Will Servers Be Down for 6.0? The game will be shut down to install the update into its servers when Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker early access begins on December 3rd. The question is how long the servers will be unavailable. Players will want to know when the servers are back up so they can start leveling up and accessing Final Fantasy XIV’s new content. Hopefully, players have been prepared for Endwalker for some time now. Even if you are unprepared, there are still ways to start the content on the first day. Let’s…
Final Fantasy XIV: How to Unlock Reaper in Endwalker In Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker, the Reaper job is the newest Melee DPS class, and it’s relatively simple to unlock. Players can begin the new questline and obtain the new gear in one of the game’s starting cities, like with most new jobs added to the game. To unlock this job, you do not need to complete the Endwalker main scenario quests, but you must satisfy the minimum level requirement. Reaper, like Sage, starts at Level 70, so you’ll have to grind a little if you haven’t previously. In Final Fantasy…
Pokémon GO – Spotlight Hour Schedule for December 2021 Throughout December, Pokémon GO gamers will be able to participate in four weekly Spotlight Hours as part of a jam-packed calendar of events. There’s something for everyone this month, with first-generation favorites and wintry Ice-types, as well as the many goodies that come with each Spotlight Hour. In this guide, we’ll go over each Pokémon that will be available during this month’s Spotlight Hour events, as well as the chances of catching a desired Shiny type within those sixty minutes. Spotlight Hour Schedule for December 2021 Throughout December, every Spotlight Hour…
Final Fantasy XIV: How to Unlock Sage in Endwalker In Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker, the Sage job is the newest Healer class, and it’s quite simple to obtain. It, like the majority of new classes, can be found in one of the game’s three starting cities. Although you don’t have to finish Shadowbringers or begin the Endwalker main scenario tasks to unlock Sage, you must first reach the required level. Sage, like Reaper, starts at Level 70, thus if you don’t have another class at that level, you’ll have to grind. In Final Fantasy XIV, here’s how to get Sage.…
Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl: Best Pokemon counter for Cynthia’s Garchomp As a result, trainers are now rethinking their battle strategies in Pokemon: Brilliant Diamonds and Shining Pearls. It’s well-known that Cynthia is one of the most difficult trainers in the Pokemon series, and this holds true for the Nintendo Switch remakes of the games as well. There are six members of the Cynthia’s team in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl: Lucario; Milotic; Gastrodon; Roserade; Spritomb; and Garchomp. The likes of Lucario and Garchomp have been known to particularly enrage trainers when it comes to these Pokemon. As a result,…
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl: How to find TM53 Energy Ball There are Energy Balls for sale after the game is over in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. In the game, Energy Ball goes by the codename TM53. In addition, it has a power output of 90 and an accuracy rate of 100 percent. Energy Ball also has the potential to reduce the target’s Special Defense. In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, there are several ways to obtain the TM53 Energy Ball. There are a few ways to obtain it, including finding it on the ground along…
If you know which codes to enter, Anime Fighters Simulator is full of unlockables. The Anime Fighters Simulator code list for December 2021 is shown below. If you’ve been playing Anime Fighters Simulator on Roblox, you’ll know that levelling up is a time-consuming process. Fortunately, Anime Fighters Simulator codes can help you quickly advance through the power levels. What is the purpose of Anime Fighters Simulator codes? These are useful for players since they offer access to Luck Boosts, Yen Boosts, and EXP Boosts, as stated in the tables above. Luck Boosts boost the likelihood of receiving a new item,…