Welcome to our ‘Pokemon Legends Arceus: Finding Eevee!’ guide. In this guide we will show you where and how you can find Eevee. Assuming that you know where to search and have a little patience, you can catch the renowned Gen I pokemon soon in the Hisui location. In Pokemon Legends Arceus, here’s where you may find and catch Eevee. While the Sinnoh Origins game contains many new Hisuian species, several old pokemon may be found spread around the area, such as the Normal type pokemon Eevee as well as all 8 of its evolutions. Although it spawns only in a particular location…
Author: Aaron Kohn
Welcome to our ‘Pokemon Legends Arceus: Catch Gible And Garchomp!’ guide. In this guide we will show you how to get Gible and Garchomp in Pokemon Legends Arceus. Where can you find and catch Gible in Arceus? Supporters of the Dragon would have to wait a little longer, as it isn’t located until the game’s final third. To gain entrance to Coronet Highlands, players must first go through their story.Once you’ve unlocked the mountain location, follow the instructions below to discover Gible. After you’ve progressed far enough in the plot, travel towards the “Coronet Highlands” to deal with the game’s third Noble.…
In this guide we will show you how to find Sylveon in Pokemon Legends Arceus. Fans of the legendary “Generation VI” pokemon will be pleased to find that Eveeve may evolve in Hisui. How to turn Eevee into Sylveon in Pokemon Legends Arceus. Since the publication of “Sinnoh Origins” in February 2021, Pokemon fans have been clamouring to see Fairy-type pokemon in Hisui.The good news is that you can add Sylveon to the Hisuian Pokedex, however you’ll need to use a specific evolution method in Arceus to get your hands on this beloved pokemon. Pokemon Legends Arceus: Evolving Eevee into Sylveon First and…
Pokemon Legends Arceus: Where can you find Riolu in Arceus? Welcome to our ‘Pokemon Legends Arceus: Finding Lucario And Riolu? guide’. In this guide we will show you how to find Riolu and how to evolve it into Lucario. Trainers who want to include Lucario into their squad will have to wait a little longer, as the Pokemon does not appear until the 5th area, Alabaster Icelands. Trainers will be able to access it once the 4th Frenzied Noble has been defeated.We’ll go over how to find its pre-evolution Riolu on the cold tundra below: Pokemon Legends Arceus: Catching Riolu in…
Welcome to our ‘Unlocking Secret Packs In Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel’ guide. Knowing how to get the Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel’s secret packs is very crucial for players who want to obtain powerful cards. The Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel hidden packs contain a range of popular TCG cards. These booster packs can help you acquire powerful monsters as well as trap cards, increasing your competitive success rates.Anyone who enjoys Dueling should know how to access the Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel’s secret packs. After all, trusting in the cards’ hearts isn’t always enough to beat your opponents. From expert Duelists to newcomers seeking additional cards, here’s how to get the secret…
Spelunky 2: An overview of the Stars Challenge Welcome to our ‘Spelunky 2: Guide for the Stars Challenge’ article. In Spelunky 2, one of the challenges will require working with Torches. This tutorial will teach you all you need to know regarding the Stars Challenge. The Stars Challenge is the only one of the 3 celestial body challenges that is completely optional, regardless of the type of run you’re undertaking. It’s only there to give you another chore to do in exchange for some fairly powerful rewards. It’s another Challenge conducted by the strange woman Tun, for which you must pay $25,000 to…
Spelunky 2: An Overview of the Sun Challenge Welcome to our ‘Spelunky 2: Guide For The Sun Challenge’ article. Do you want to know what exactly the Sun Challenge in Speluny 2 is? In this guide we will give you a brief overview of the Sun Challenge. The Sun Quest is one of the three activities that focus on celestial bodies. The strange NPC Tun, a new figure who seems to understand more about the caverns than she lets on, is in charge of this challenge. She appears at random points throughout the game and she also has secret stores hidden inside…
Get to know Quillback! Welcome to our ‘Spelunky 2: How To Beat Quillback!’ guide. In this guide we will give you a brief overview on who is Quillback and how to defeat him. Though the first Spelunky had some boss fights, Spelunky 2 considerably built on the same concept. There are not only several gigantic bosses, but also specific adversaries powerful enough to act as elites. Quillback is just one of those nobles, and he guards the entrances to planet two. Quillback, the Cavemen’s commander, stands tall and broad, with his signature porcupine fur strewn across his back. He will always appear…
Welcome to our ‘How To Get The Lunar New Year Skins In Overwatch?’ guide. The 2022 event for Lunar New Year is now underway and Blizzard has included three new Epic skins that can only be won by completing weekly tasks. In this guide we will show you how to get the Lunar New Year skins in Overwatch. Weekly challenges provide players the opportunity to unlock seasonal skins. These items are only available for a week, so if you miss out, you’re out. That’s why knowing exactly what to do to overcome these challenges is critical. Weekly challenges will be rewarded for…
Welcome to our ‘Assassin’s Creed Odyssey: Solve The End Puzzle Now!’ guide, we will show you how you can solve the end puzzle from the Journey in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. Side missions do exist inside the Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. The Journey’s End begins in Ellis after speaking with Phidias. During the task, Phidias will give you the Scytale, allowing you visit the Ancient Stronghold and buy a weapon. To finish the quest and receive the weapon, you must solve a puzzle.It is one of the game’s easiest puzzles as the answer is within the Scytale and you can do it in about a minute. Here’s how…