Author: Aaron Kohn


Aaron writes guides and news related to the games at Apart from his passion for writing and playing games he's exploring new places around the globe.

Welcome to our guide of “Dying Light 2: How To Loot Evacuation Convoys?”. Evacuation in Dying Light 2 Convoys can be hard; here’s how to loot for goodies while clearing the horde. How to loot evacuation convoys in Dying Light 2? Civilians fleeing the city in the initial stages of the virus epidemic left the Evacuation Convoys behind. These convoys always have lucrative stuff that players want to lay their hands on. Because of this, the early phases of Dying Light 2 are difficult. Preparing Aiden for a zombie horde that encircles the Evacuation Convoys is critical to succeed. Having a…

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Welcome to our guide of “Dying Light 2: How To Get Scraps?”. In Dying Light 2, scraps are a regular but valuable resource, here’s how to collect them. How to get Scraps in Dying Light 2? Purchasing it Buying scraps to craft or modify products is the easiest way to obtain them. They’re cheap, costing only one penny each, making gathering them easier. Vendors from Dying Light 2’s Peacekeepers or Survivors factions can be located all across the city. They are frequently seen inside safehouses, the Windmills, or other locations. Finding in bins The next almost-certain source of scraps would be the…

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Welcome to our guide of “Dying Light 2: How To Get Past Locked Doors Quickly?”. Several Dying Light 2 gamers will benefit from one player’s latest discoveries as they tour the remains of the city & try to avoid the undead hordes. How to get past locked doors quickly in Dying Light 2? With players navigating the remains of Villedor while avoiding zombies and hostile factions, all tips and tricks are welcome. You can find these minor tactics with in game, along with additional skills and items that support the game’s focus on movement. This method was shared to help…

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Welcome to our guide of “Dying Light 2: How To Find And Use Crystals?”. Crystals are added as rare valuables in Dying Light 2 with the myth of healing qualities. Aiden can put that to the test whenever he obtains some. How to Find Crystals in Dying Light 2? Search for the orange or gold circle when looking for crystals. Those are the same symbols that appear on military caches or GRE boxes, indicating that the plunder is especially precious or distinctive. However, instead of displaying on a box, the emblem will show within a black pile. These heaps form…

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Welcome to our guide of “Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl: How To Find A Spiritomb?”. If you’re looking for the Ghost-type Spiritomb, one of the most difficult pokemon to capture in Pokemon BDSP, we’ve got the scoop on where to get it as well as the Odd Keystone. How to find a Spiritomb in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl? After defeating Gym 2 and visiting Hearthome City, trainers will be able to obtain Spiritomb for the initial time in BDSP. However, be aware that triggering the encounter will require some digging and patience. The pointers below will guide…

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Welcome to our guide of “Rocket League Sideswipe: How To Do An Air Roll?”. An air roll is one of the most rewarding tricks you can do in Rocket League Sideswipe on mobile. This guide will explain you how to perfect this technique without losing control after landing. So, firstly, what is an air roll? It’s a skill move from Rocket League Sideswipe that allows you to turn your car in mid-air. It’s not all for show, either; an air roll has some mechanical advantages: This technique allows you to fly across the field and better control your car’s boost…

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Welcome to our guide of “XCOM 2: How To Build Up Contacts?”. One of the most significant components of the XCOM 2 game is making resistance contacts, which generates additional revenue and new mission chances. How to build up contacts in XCOM 2? XCOM 2 starts with only three Contacts, therefore increasing that figure should be a priority. To begin, players must finish the Resistance Comms research project, which becomes open after the initial Guerilla Ops mission. After that, players can install Resistance Comms facilities within the Avenger. Comms facilities cost 110-160 Supplies, use 3 Power, & take 16 days…

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Welcome to our ‘Lost Ark: How To Get To The Little Luck Island?’ guide. Many players in Lost Ark are having trouble finding this island. Sorry, but I couldn’t resist. In the game, Little Luck Island is a small island with a single purpose. And that purpose is to house a temporary NPC. You can get to Little Luck Island by going northwest from West Luterra. Below are the exact steps for it. Open your World Map and look for the Little Luck Island.You can find it just north of West Luterra. Once you go there you can talk to…

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Welcome to our ‘Lost Ark: How To Get To Nada & Location?’ guide. Many people want to know where Nada is in Lost Ark. They are an NPC that allows you to use your Providence stones that you may have gathered while playing. Their location is easy to find and reach. You can find Nada in Lost Ark at the Luterra Castle. Below is the exact location of where you can find them. Go to East Luterra.Next, head to the Luterra Castle.You can find Nada East from the Termina Library. You can exchange the following items with Nada: Rethramis Rapport…

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Welcome to our ‘LEGO Skywalker Saga : What Is The Skywalker Saga Force Ghost Yoda Code?’ guide. The LEGO Star Wars Skywalker Saga includes all nine Star Wars films. Traveller’s Tales’ action-adventure game has nine character classes to unlock. Characters with superior skills and abilities are better than others. One is the ghost character. These failsafe characters are invisible to enemies and may easily defeat them in the game. They are also a good co-op show-off. Three characters have ghost versions. Yoda, Obi-Wan, and Anakin. What are Ghost Characters In LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga? These are ghost versions…

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