Welcome to our ‘Lost Ark: Where To Find All Heart Of Sceptrum Mokoko Seed?’ guide. The Arthetine continent includes the Heart of Sceptrum. This dungeon has several levels and locations to explore.

- The first Mokoko seed in the Heart of Sceptrum can be found on the first level, southeast of the map. Go up till you find a terminal, then go south and slide down the platform tubes. It’s directly after the tube slide.
- The second Mokoko seed is exactly adjacent to the first one.
- The third Mokoko seed is still near the metal railing, just head north.
On the second level, look for the next Mokoko seed in the map’s southernmost corner.
- Take the lift here and look for a Mokoko seed on the platform to your left.
- Turn right to locate a crate in the same place. Look for a Mokoko seed.
- Return to the north until you meet a Heavy Walker. Inside the Heavy Walker is the Mokoko seed.
- This time, go to the northeastern part of the map and land on the water. The Mokoko seed is near the water tube.
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