Author: Aaron Kohn


Aaron writes guides and news related to the games at Apart from his passion for writing and playing games he's exploring new places around the globe.

Welcome to our guide “Minecraft: What Are The Best Things That You Can Create?”. In Minecraft, you can make some crazy things. Here are some of the most amazing things people have made in the game. A Death Star Switch on Creative mode in Minecraft & get ready to change your life. Darth Vader as well as The Emperor would like you to make the super-weapon of destruction that can be used all over the galaxy. Even without the jokes, YouTuber IJAMinecraft did make a time-lapse video showing how to create a real Death Star. It goes without saying it…

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Welcome to our guide “Minecraft: What Are The Best Furnace Fuel Items?”. In Minecraft, the whole point is to build big and cool things but you need fuel to do that. Below are the best things to put in a Minecraft furnace as fuel. Charcoal When people make charcoal for the first time, they usually get surprised. It’s a Minecraft ritual of passage to make it by accident by clicking the wrong button and placing wood in the furnace. Even using charcoal to convert logs into extra charcoal earns a player an achievement. But to get to the point, charcoal can do everything that…

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Welcome to our guide “Subnautica: What Are The Aurora Door Codes?”. Aurora in Subnautica has a multitude of doors which can be unlocked with specific codes. Here are all of Subnautica’s Aurora door codes. What are the Aurora door codes in Subnautica? Here are all of the Aurora’s available door codes in Subnautica: ⦁ 2679 – Unlocks Captain’s Quarters⦁ 1454 – Unlocks Cargo Bay⦁ 6666 – Unlocks Robotics Bay⦁ 1869 – Unlocks Cabin No.1⦁ 6483 – Unlocks Lab Access How to use these codes? Subnautica codes can be used to open the Aurora craft’s different doors. Many codes can be…

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Welcome to our guide “Elden Ring: How To Get Margit’s Shackle?”. Having a hard time in Elden Ring trying to beat Margit, the Fell Omen? Here’s how to get Margit’s Shackle, which will make the battle a bit easier. How to get Margit’s Shackle in Elden Ring? To get Margit’s Shackle, you should first reach Murkwater Cave. For this guide, we’ll assume you’re traveling from the Dragon-Burnt Ruins at Limgrave, where you face Flying Dragon Agheel. Look for a short route to the left in the Dragon-Burnt Ruins’ shallow, murky water. Under a bridge with dangling bodies, take the route up.…

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Welcome to our guide “Elden Ring: How To Find The Flask of Wondrous Physick?”. Have you ever wished you could make your own potions? Now you can, kudos to the Elden Ring’s “Flask of Wondrous Physick”. Players can make their very own flask effects with one such flask as well as crystalized tears they discover in the Lands Between. How to find the Flask of Wondrous Physick in Elden Ring? This Flask of Wondrous Physick is in a small ruin called the “Third Church of Marika”, which is in the eastern part of Limgrave. You can get to this area as soon…

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Welcome to our guide “Elden Ring: How To Find Sacred Tears?”. You can find Sacred Tears all over the open world of Elden Ring. When used, they can help recover HP or FP. Here’s a summary of all you need to understand about Sacred Tears, including where each one is. How to find Sacred Tears in Elden Ring? In Limgrave near Third Church of Marika, has the first Sacred Tear. This church is near the start. Ride a horse to the church and watch for attackers. The Grace Site is near the church. This Sacred Tear is placed front of a statue within the…

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Welcome to our guide “Minecraft: How To Find And Mine Obsidian?”. You can discover, mine and use bricks in Minecraft. Not everything is as accessible as wood. Some materials need knowledge & tools. Obsidian is one. This game has always included volcanic rock since the beginning and  players don’t know how to get it. You’ll waste your time with a pickaxe. Here’s how to mine the almost impenetrable material. How to find Obsidian in Minecraft? Obsidian is not something that just shows up in every of the game’s biomes. In fact, you can only find this in the woods in a few places.…

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Send, as money Mini Crossword Solution May,22 2022 Below is the Send, as money crossword clue Solution. We noticed many players facing difficulties with the Send, as money crossword clue so we decided to share the answers to the puzzle. In case there is an error or mistake with the answer then let us know in the comment. We would be happy to rectify it. Clue: Send, as money  ANSWER: WIRE So how was your experience with finding the answer for Send, as money? Here are other crossword clues that you might want to see  How To play The Mini Crossword on The New York…

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Welcome to our guide “Elden Ring: How To Get Deathroot?”. Find out where to get all the Deathroots within Elden Ring and who all to fight to get them. How to get Deathroot in Elden Ring? Deathroots are spread around and take a lot of plot progression to collect. Summonwater Village, northeast of Limgrave, has the first Deathroot. Tibia Mariner drops Deathroot inside the village. The boss has few abilities and you can conjure online players or Spirit Ash to fight him. Within Deathtouched Catacombs is the second Deathroot. The catacomb is to the north of Limgrave. You must explore a catacomb and…

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Elden Ring’s Yelough Anix Tunnel is a dungeon. It may be found immediately south of Yelough Anix Ruins in the Consecrated Snowfields. You should have no trouble locating the entrance to the tunnels since they are slightly noted on the map. Unlike many tunnels, Yelough Anix Tunnel is not very large and has a limited number of adversaries. The tunnel’s layout is simple, making it hard for a person to become lost. In the tunnel, there are a few formidable opponents with their own boss varieties. These adversaries will spawn from portals in two distinct spots along the tunnel. Here’s…

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