Welcome to our guide “Rogue Legacy 2: How To Complete The Missing Bodies Insight Quest?”. Find about how to resolve the “Missing Bodies Insight” quest here if you’re looking for the Gatehouse’s Observation Room.

How to complete the Missing Bodies Insight quest?
Finding the Kerguelen Gatehouse in Axis Mundi is required to complete the Missing Bodies Insight quest. Roguelite players should seek for a sign as well as two waterwheels placed on top of each other shortly before reaching the area containing the biome’s boss door. Upon arrival, use a spell or a class talent to hit the ceiling area partly covered with the top waterwheel. A path will appear right after striking it, jump up into it.
After reaching the Kerguelen Gatehouse, players should just take the secret path towards the left, up, and right until asked to press RB. After providing this input, fans will be taken to a room full of roots. Players in Rogue Legacy 2 can now utilize their weapons or attacking equipment to break through the roots and access a room with a memory fragment. ” The Missing Bodies Insight” would be labeled as resolved once the player interacts with this memory fragment.
Rewards for completing the quest?
The reward for finishing the “Missing Bodies Insight” is an affinity benefit of 15% damage on fighting the “Axis Mundi Void Beast”. This is the boss that awaits fans beyond the Kerguelen Gatehouse, as well as the damage boost is enormous. In addition to the fixed boosts in Rogue Legacy 2, other affinity benefits like this one appear throughout the game.
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