In Raft, you have individual health bars for both hunger and thirst, and both of these bars are constantly depleting. After all, the purpose of the game is for you to survive, and in order to do so, you will need to ensure that your levels of hunger and thirst remain high.

You will need to prepare meals and other commodities in order to accomplish this goal. Cooking recipes are essential at this point in the process. To successfully complete any recipes that you find while progressing through the game, you will need either a Cooking Pot or a Juicer.
In the following guide, you will find a listing of some of the greatest cooking recipes that you can prepare in Raft.
The best cooking recipes
Catfish Deluxe
Catfish Deluxe improves your movement, allowing you to cover ground more quickly. With the use of a Cooking Pot, you may prepare one dish by combining the following ingredients: one raw potato, one raw beet, one raw catfish, one cave mushroom, and one chili.
Raw Potatoes and Raw Beet may be obtained in Loot Boxes and Barrels that float throughout the world. Raw catfish requires the use of a fishing rod in order to be caught. Cave Mushrooms are exclusive to the caverns of enormous islands and can only be found there. Trading Posts are the only places from which chili may be acquired.
Consuming Catfish Deluxe results in the loss of 10 or more Hunger points and grants a temporary boost of 40 or more Hunger points.
On any major island, you may visit The Trading Post to acquire the Catfish Deluxe Recipe for the price of one Trash Cube and one Trade Coin.
Fish Stew
Because it calls for milk as one of its components, you won’t be able to prepare this meal until much later in the game. Because of this, you’ll need to hire a goat in order to prepare it. In order to make this meal, you will need 1 Egg, 1 Bucket of Milk, 2 Pieces of Raw Tilapia, and 2 Pieces of Raw Mackerel.
Both tilapia and mackerel may be harvested from any nesting site used by birds. The goat, which must first be trapped, can provide you with the pail of milk that you require. You can get the egg from the clucker, and both pieces of fish can be caught by fishing.
It is okay expecting to get around 15 hunger points from this dish, and a maximum of 40 hunger points overall. This meal may be prepared in around 150 seconds, which is much less time than is required for most dishes. The fish stew recipe is hidden inside one of the chests that may be found strewn around the islands.
Head Broth
Because it contains a variety of essential elements, this meal is very nutrient-dense. In order to make this dish, you will need one raw potato, one raw beet, two deadly puffer heads, and one gallon of milk.
You will locate a number of barrels that contain both potatoes and beets, and you will have no trouble obtaining any of them. You’ll need to go through a few of them in order to get to the potato and the beet.
The preparation time for this meal is 210 seconds. It will give you 40 temporary hunger points in addition to the 20 hunger points you already have. The recipe for head broth may be obtained in treasure boxes throughout the game.
Salmon Salad
This meal is regarded to be healthy since it increases one’s ability to breathe deeply. One mango, one pineapple, one piece of raw salmon, and one piece of silver algae are called for in the dish. Only once you have located the Silver Seafood on the raft will you be able to prepare this dish. 210 seconds is the amount of time needed to cook the meal. It grants you an additional 15+ hunger points in addition to a momentary boost of 40 hunger points.
Cutting down trees may result in the discovery of fruits such as mangoes and pineapples. Salmon may be caught by fishing, and algae can be discovered at the ocean floor, but in order to harvest it, you will need to dive far below the surface of the water. Salmon Salad may be purchased at the trading post on level 1 for 1 Trash Cube and 1 Trade Coin. The cost of this dish is equal to 1 Trash Cube.
Fish Stew
This is another typical kind of fish diet that emphasizes the consumption of fish. In order to make this meal, you will need two potatoes, two raw beets, two raw herring, and two raw pomfret.
Due to the fact that it consists of two fish, this meal is ideal for gamers who want to spend the majority of their time fishing. The meal may be cooked in about a minute and a half.
This provides you with 15 permanent hunger points in addition to an extra 25 temporary hunger points, which may come in rather handy. This recipe may also be unearthed from the treasure chests that can be found strewn throughout the islands.