In Diablo Immortal, the Marketplace is the only area where you may buy and sell things to other players. This Diablo Immortal tutorial covers all you need to know about buying and selling in the market in Diablo Immortal, as well as how this auction house varies from in-game merchants.

Location of the Diablo Immortal Marketplace
Wynton’s Grand Market is a section of Rakkis Plaza in Westmarch that houses the Marketplace. Dya is a Market NPC that becomes available after you reach level 25.
The Market is a sales platform in Diablo Immortal that enables users to sell unwanted Gems, Legendary Gems, and Skill Stones to other players in exchange for Platinum. The Market lets you to purchase and sell different items to other players in exchange for Platinum. Only Normal Gems, Legendary Gems & Skill Stones are exchanged using this technique.
How to buy items from the Diablo Immortal Marketplace?
Because the quantity of products you may purchase or sell on the Market at one time is limited, most people utilize it as a buyer rather than a vendor. When you choose the Buy tab, you have four options:
- Watchlist
- Gems
- Legendary Gems
- Skill Stones
You may keep a close eye on individual goods at the Auction House. You won’t have to go through pages of items to find what you’re searching for.
To add an item to your Watchlist, just click the small heart flag on its Market listing.
You may buy all levels of Normal gems in the Auction House. When you click Gems, a menu containing the six distinct kinds of Gems available, as well as their ranks, will display.
Out of Stock will be shown for any rank that is not currently available in the Market.
Legendary Gems
The bulk of Legendary Gems are purchased and sold in the same manner as regular Gems. The first number below the stone’s name shows how many are currently for sale.
The hourglass is used to display the duration of Scarce Items and Legendary Gems that are either difficult to get or have a very high rank.
Stones of Ability
Skill Stones are special in that they have a number of elements to choose from, all of which are considered uncommon. Because they are all one-of-a-kind, they are not categorised in the same way as Gems and Legendary Gems are, and their cost and preview times are shown individually. Each Skill Stone offered will display all of the talents that it modifies.
How to sell items on Diablo Immortal’s Marketplace?
On the Market, go to the Sell tab to see what you can sell from your inventory. A scale sign will be shown in the upper left corner.
You can view the products you wish to sell under “My Items.” Initially, you may only sell up to four products at a time. More slots will become available later.
Items may be exhibited for 48 hours before being returned to your inventory, but you will forfeit the money you spent to showcase the item earlier.