Halo Infinite: All Armory of Reckoning collectible locations To the south of Outpost Tremonious sits the Armory of Reckoning, a massive munitions depot. It has five collectibles as well as a large amount of ammunition. You can get any weapon you want if you go here. There are four audio logs and one Spartan Core here if you’re seeking valuables. All of the collectibles in Halo Infinite’s Armory of Reckoning may be found here. The Armory of Reckoning is located in the heart of Outpost Tremonious’s island. This location may be found to the east of FOB Alpha and to…
Author: The West News
Halo Infinite: How to unlock the Backdraft Cindershot There are a lot of new weapons in Halo Infinite. Some of the new weaponry are enhanced variants that you can get by killing high-priority targets all across the area. One of these weapons is the Backdraft Cindershot. This weapon is a more powerful variant of the Cindershot rifle, dealing significant damage to anyone caught in its explosion. In Halo Infinite, here’s how to get the Backdraft Cindershot. The Backdraft Cindershot can be gained by slaying Myriad, a duo of hunters. After completing the Pelican Down mission and beginning The Sequence task,…
Halo Infinite: How to unlock the Purging Shock Rifle In Halo Infinite, there are a lot of weapons to choose from, and many of them have a more powerful form that you may unlock. These versions are unlocked by beating high-profile adversaries. Go to a FOB to equip the weapon after beating one of these foes. When you hit an enemy with the Purging Shock Rifle, you get more damage and a broader area of impact. In Halo Infinite, here’s how to get the Purging Shock Rifle. Killing the Skimmer Alpha grants you the Purging Shock Rifle. These are new…
Halo Infinite: Where to Find Spartan Cores for Upgrades Halo Infinite is officially here, and so are Spartan Cores. Finding all 45 Spartan Cores dispersed around the stunning open-ish-world campaign can be a task. The Spartan Cores are useful for upgrading Master Cheif’s grappling hook and shield. Check out our Halo Infinite guides for more information on this large map full of secret goodies. Find out where to get the skulls and when co-op and forge come out. So, here are all Halo Infinite Spartan Core locations. Halo Infinite Spartan Cores – Island 1 Recovery There are 8 Spartan Cores…
Halo Infinite: All Spire collectible locations You’re on your journey to the Spire, but first, you need to collect certain items. Apparently, there is only one collectible, a UNSC audio log. There are two. You can find one audio log and a Spartan Core. Where to discover the Spire collectibles in Halo Infinite. After finishing the Conservatory, you’ll be sent to the Spire. It’s northwest of the map, southeast of the Excavation Site. If needed, go to the map above. The UNSC audio log is the first collectible. The UNSC audio log is in front of the spire. Find a…
Halo Infinite: All Riven Gate collectible locations The Riven Gate is a checkpoint in The Sequence quest. This section is full of adversaries, but also collectibles. In Halo Infinite, the Riven Gate checkpoint has five collectibles. You can find them here. After completing Pelican Down, you will be sent to the map’s southeast corner. The Riven Gate is to the west of where you land, blocking the only westward road. If needed, go to the map above. The Banished audio logs are the first collectibles. There are two here. The first Banished audio log is at the Banshee’s building. Activate…
Halo Infinite: Where to find the Black Eye skull The Halo Black Eye skull has always been the same. This skull prevents shield regeneration. To regain your shields, you must punch foes. Get this skull if you enjoy punching opponents. The Black Eye skull in Halo Infinite. The Black Eye skull is near the map’s south. To get this skull, you must first complete the game’s Sequence objective. This mission unlocks the southern island of the map. See the map above for reference. Go to the map’s location. You’ll be looking for a waterfall. It has a tiny body of…
Halo Infinite: Where to find the Warmaster’s Prize Commando weapon coating The Warmaster’s Prize Commando weapon coating is one of many multiplayer skins available in Halo Infinite’s campaign. The campaign’s multiplayer skins are found via finding Mjolnir Armories. Sure, you must first find them. In Halo Infinite, the Warmaster’s Prize Commando weapon plating is found here. The Mjolnir Armory you seek lies near FOB Lima on the map’s southeast edge. It also near aspires for the Sequence quest. If needed, go to the map above. This area of the map is only accessible after completing the Pelican Down mission. Capture…
Halo Infinite: Where to find the Famine skull The Famine skull is perfect for those who are always hungry for ammo. This skull alters the game so adversaries drop weapons with half the ammo. The Famine skull in Halo Infinite. You can’t get the Famine skull until you finish the Pelican Down task and start The Sequence. After that, head to the map’s southeast corner. You should be there if you started at the beginning of The Sequence task. A little island lies to the east of the map. If needed, go to the map above. You need a Wasp…
Halo Infinite: Where to find the Thunderstorm skull Do you find the game too easy? So why not activate the Thunderstorm skull and improve all enemies? This skull increases the difficulty of practically every monster in the game. The Thunderstorm skull may be found in Halo Infinite. You can only get the skull after completing the Pelican Down mission and starting The Sequence task. After that, proceed to the beacon at the Pelican Down mission’s island. If needed, go to the map above. It’s west of the beacon. Look along the ground’s edge for a huge column that stands out.…