Welcome to our guide of “Horizon Forbidden West: Kill Or Save Regalla?”. The primary difference between killing Regalla and letting her live is that if you leave her alive, she will join you in the game’s final objective, the attack on the Zeniths. However, if you assassinate her, you will receive her bow, Regalla’s Wrath. Let’s look at the two options in greater depth: Horizon Forbidden West: Saving Regalla You’ll invite Regalla to assist in the fight versus the Zeniths if you decide to save her. Although many, including Kotallo, are doubtful of her loyalty, it is Hekarro who claims that…
Author: Aaron Kohn
Welcome to our guide of “Call Of Duty: How To Turn Off HDR Settings On Xbox For Fixing Crash Problems In Warzone?”. If you run Warzone on Xbox, you’ve definitely had crashing troubles since Season 2’s debut. Fortunately, we have a guide that will show you how to switch off your HDR settings, which should cure the problem. How To Turn Off HDR Settings On Xbox For Fixing Crash Problems In Warzone? Since February 16, Xbox users have been experiencing crashing troubles. So if you’re seeking for a quick fix, we’ve got you covered. You’ll want to turn off your…
Welcome to our guide of “Horizon Forbidden West: How To Get The Top Weapons?”. The finest Horizon Forbidden West weapons are amazing weapons acquired throughout the game. They’re not just the most powerful, but they also exist with 3 distinct ammunition kinds. Here are the greatest weapons within Horizon Forbidden West & where to find them: Horizon Forbidden West: The Sun Scourge Kind: Hunter BowHow can you find it: Finish 1st Forge side mission after completing all of the Rebel Camps.The Sun Scourge seems to be an excellent all-purpose hunter bow. Quick to fire, with extra overdraw damage and a…
Welcome to our guide of “Horizon Forbidden West: How To Find The Cinnabar Sands Tallneck?”. Every Tallneck you override in Horizon Forbidden West reveals a part of the map, showing all the objectives and regions within. Finding & overriding every Tallneck will reveal the entire Horizon Forbidden West landscape with all its locations, making these extraordinary machines essential for exploring Horizon Forbidden West. In the guide we will tell you about the Cinnabar Sands Tallneck. How To Find The Cinnabar Sands Tallneck in Horizon Forbidden West? One of the earliest Tallnecks you’ll probably encounter is circling a broken satellite dish. Although…
Welcome to our guide of “Horizon Forbidden West: Getting The Power Armor”. Good news for the fans of Horizon Forbidden West “Power armor”! This shield armor is by Zero Dawn but without as much effort. To get the basic Horizon power armor, you had to collect a collection of power cells located all across the world. Now within Horizon Forbidden West, it’s just a Valor talent that you may unlock by earning XP and levelling up. So, lets checkout how to get it. Getting The Power Armor in Horizon Forbidden West To gain the Horizon Forbidden West’s power armor, simply level up the Survivor…
Welcome to our guide of “Horizon Forbidden West: Finding Poseidon!”. Poseidon may be found in the Las Vegas Ruins within Horizon Forbidden West. The desert has become ravaged by machines and nature since humanity’s demise, with the AI program Poseidon prowling beneath the ruins. Horizon Forbidden West has poor visibility and no obvious signs, therefore finding it is difficult. Not to worry, we’ve got you covered in the Las Vegas Ruins. Finding the Poseidon AI When you get in Vegas, a vast region will be indicated on your map for you to search. However, it’s difficult to know where to…
Welcome to our guide of “Horizon Forbidden West: Following The Orb’s Trail And Finding The Orb”. If you can find the Orb’s track within Horizon Forbidden West’s “Death’s Door” mission, you’ll end up in Sylens. It’s not always easy, particularly when the orb’s track is obscured and all the Focus can see is a weird purple sign in the lake. We’ll show you where to locate Hades, Sylens and the Orb within Horizon Forbidden West. Following the Orb’s Trail and finding the Orb Look for Hades, Sylens, and the Orb’s path in Horizon Forbidden West. There’s a massive dirt furrow inside the ground…
Welcome to our guide of “Horizon Forbidden West: Destroying Metal Flowers!”. Horizon Forbidden West’s Metal Flowers produce vines that restrict your way until you remove them. But how do you smash these metal blooms? These Metal Flowers can be difficult to break open, so we’ve outlined how to do it below. Destroying Metal Flowers in Horizon Forbidden West The Vine Cutter, a spear enhancement that lets players to smash any Metal Flowers they come across in Horizon Forbidden West. It is required to crack open the Metal Flowers. However, this unique item is unavailable until a specific time in the campaign. This…
Welcome to our guide of “Horizon Forbidden West: Breathing Underwater Using The Diving Mask”. With a Diving Mask, you’ll have unlimited oxygen and can dive as deep and as long as you desire. So the twists aren’t a thing of Horizon Forbidden West’s future? In Horizon Forbidden West, this is how to breathe underwater. Breathing underwater in Horizon Forbidden West For breathing underwater in Horizon Forbidden West, Aloy will need a Diving Mask, a special gear that offers a constant supply of oxygen and lets the player to remain in deep waters for hours at a time. It’s worth noting that it doesn’t…
Welcome to our guide of “Horizon Forbidden West: What Is The Code For Death Door?”. A lot depends as to how long you’ve spent studying the environment before you find the Death’s Door code. Almost every closed door within Horizon Forbidden West has a code near a data point you may scan. The ‘door’ plus ‘mention of the number’ equals the code, which is never explained in the game. Except for the Ruin riddles, it’s simple to get to this stage in the game all without understanding that. Let us help you get Death’s Door code from Horizon Forbidden West. What is the…