Where to find Farid Rueda’s Bear and Lion Murals in Forza Horizon 5
Mexican street artist Farid Rueda features multiple paintings in Forza Horizon 5. They provide color and cultural allusions to the gaming environment. Challenges may include some of these. Here’s our guide to help where to find Farid Rueda’s Bear and Lion Murals in Forza Horizon 5.
Read More: How to complete Ready to Hoon Forzathon Challenge in Forza Horizon 5
Farid Rueda’s Bear and Lion Murals Locations
In Forza Horizon 5, Farid Rueda’s Bear and Lion Murals are in Playa Azul, a small beach village in the eastern part of the global map. Lugar Tranquilo Player House and Horizon Apex Outpost are nearby.
Just take the main route south from Lugar Tranquilo to the Bear Mural. A two-story yellow structure should be visible (as shown in the image below). The mural is on the building’s side when you turn right.

You may require a certain automobile for the task. To accomplish this goal, open Photo Mode and take a promo quick shot if there’s no such requirement as the Bare Necessities aim.
In Forza Horizon 5, travel south beyond the Playa Azul Circuit banner to see Farid Rueda’s Lion Mural. On your right, you’ll see a turquoise/cyan building. If it’s a challenge, you can take a picture of the street art.
Bare Necessities, Ready to Hoon, and Vintage Skills to Pay the Bills should help you gain points for the #2 Audi S1 and BMW X6 M prizes if you’re performing the Summer–Wet Season goals.
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