Author: Aaron Kohn


Aaron writes guides and news related to the games at Apart from his passion for writing and playing games he's exploring new places around the globe.

The British woman who was recently arrested for wearing a bikini in the Maldives said that the police who dragged her off the street even beat her up groped her, and also left her fearing for her life. The footage of Cecilia Jastrzembska, a British woman, being manhandled by the local police went viral last week. Cecilia, the traumatized 26-year-old claimed situation got much worse for her after the 30-second clip ended – and she was slapped across the face, kicked in the stomach and later subjected to humiliating body searches. While speaking about her arrest for the first time,…

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According to the Canadian police, screams coming out of the woods in a rural area of Ottawa were thought to be a screaming child but it turned out to be a bleating goat that was having a “bad day.” CBC reported, the police responded to call last week who said they heard a child screaming for help near their property in the woods. The police for the child in the dark but couldn’t find anything until they knocked on a neighbor’s door who accounted for her three children. Her husband told the authorities that “his goat had been screaming earlier.” The farmer had found…

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Iran’s only female Olympic medalist Kimia Alizadeh wants to compete for Germany after leaving her country earlier this year. She also blasted at the Iranian lawmakers. She hopes to rebuild her life in Germany and continue her Taekwondo career. At a Taekwondo club in Luenen, Germany on Friday, while talking to journalists she said, “Even if I do not make it to the Olympics, it does not matter because I have made up my mind.” “I am sure that I will be judged by many, but I am just 21 years old and can attend world tournaments and future Olympics. However, I will…

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Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is full of amazing side missions that keep you engaged with the game. You come across several characters from the DBZ universe. Follow this guide to explore all the side missions and quests in DBZ Kakarot. List of all side missions in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Master Roshi’s Prized PossessionNam the PeddlerGentle GiantFoggy FutureForeboding FearLike a Different PersonThe Pilaf Gang’s PlanWild ImaginationTough Break for TurtleYamcha’s AliveTourists in TroubleThe Mystery of the Missing TailOne Cool DudeAttacked VillagerVictimized NamekianRouge Chef MeloneSelfish Bulma

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During the Majin Buu Saga, you face Super Buu, after you have defeated Majin Buu. Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot game lets you fight Super Buu as Gotenks, Gohan, and Vegito. Follow this guide to know how to beat Super Buu in Dragon Ball Kakarot.  How to Beat Super Buu in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot game? The first thing to do is to study the abilities of Super Buu which he will use during the battle. Let’s learn them one by one.  Evil Bomber Extremely to difficult to dodge this move. The Evil Bomber attack is an energy explosion attack from the…

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Here’s a list of all the trophies in Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune. Find out more about these trophies below.  Platinum trophyCharted! – EasyCharted! – NormalCharted! – HardCharted! – CrushingFirst TreasureNovice Fortune HunterIntermediate Fortune HunterProficient Fortune HunterProfessional Fortune HunterExpert Fortune HunterMaster Fortune HunterRelic FinderMaster Thief Collection20 Headshots100 Headshots250 HeadshotsHeadshot ExpertBrutal BrawlerBrutal SluggerBrutal ExpertTriple Dyno-Might!Dyno-Might MasterHangmanGrenade HangmanRun-and-GunnerSteel FistSteel Fist ExpertMaster NinjaSurvivor30 Kills: Mk-NDI20 Kills: Desert-520 Kills: Wes-4430 Kills: Dragon Sniper50 Kills: 92FS – 9mm50 Kills: M450 Kills: Micro-9mm30 Kills: M7930 Kills: MP4050 Kills: PM-9 mm50 Kills: Moss-1250 Kills: AK-47Shoot Some B-Roll for ElenaThese Walls Can’t Stop MeUp a Short Creek Without a PaddleA…

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Follow this guide and explore how to fight, how to protect yourself, how to control your health and more in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot game. Health points While battling in the game make sure you have an eye on the health bar which can be found in the lower right corner of the screen. Restore your health in case your health is dropping tremendously.  Ki bar Ki bar lets you know the number of super attacks you can do. It can be found right next to the health bar. Even the Ki bar can be restored if it drops significantly…

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Emily Ratajkowski turns down a paid appearance in Saudi Arabia citing the human rights violations happening in the Middle East. She recently refused a “six-figure” paycheck which she was being paid for her appearance at the MDL Beast Festival in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. “It is very important to me to make clear my support for the rights of women, the LGBTQ community, freedom of expression and the right to a free press,” Emily said to a fashion Instagram page, Diet Prada. “I hope coming forward on this brings more attention to the injustices happening there.” MDL Beast Festival featured a number of celebrities including,…

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The file Script Hook v.1.0.1737.0 is a modification for Grand Theft Auto V, an action game. Download the mod for free. Script Hook V created by Alexander Blade is a library that allows a player to use GTA V script native functions in custom *.asi plugins. This won’t work in the online mode as the script disables custom scripts when you go into multiplayer mode. This distrib also includes the latest Asi Loader and Native Trainer. How to install the mod: Copy ScriptHookV.dll to the game’s main folder, i.e. where GTA5.exe is located.In order to load asi plugins you need to have asi loader installed,…

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Teenagers who microwaved a cat in France posted the sickening footage online that sparked death threats.  The footage clearly shows a teenager closing the door of the microwave despite the cat struggling to get out of the oven.  Dunkirk Animal Protection Society (SPA), which saved the cat shared screenshots from the footage on their Facebook page.  The SPA has, however, removed the post and called for calm as the youngsters have received death threats.  SPA wrote: ‘Know that much of this information is totally false!’ ‘The address provided regarding one of the teenagers is absolutely not his own but that of a poor…

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