Apex Legends: Gun Run Explained
Starting on September 20th, Apex Legends will host the Beat of Prey Collection Event, which will include the Gun Run Limited Time Mode. Learn all about Apex’s version of Gun Game right now!
Although Season 14 of Apex Legends will not complete until November 1, players are already looking forward to Season 15 and the possibility of a new map.
Loba’s Garra de Alanza fan Heirloom, along with other new cosmetics, are part of the new event. The Gun Run LTM is one of the new features that seems really interesting.
Since 2021, players have been eagerly anticipating the release of a new map. The new Beast of Prey Collection Event by Respawn Entertainment should help satisfy fans’ craving for content in the meanwhile. Like the original first-person shooter variant Gun Game, Gun Run matches your team against three other squads in a race.
As you rack up kills with one weapon, you will unlock the next one on the weapon track in an effort to finish the race with the most powerful arsenal. A brand-new throwing knife rounds out the arsenal.
Interesting twist: killing foes boosts you over teammates and grants you the next best weapon in the ranking order. No one has to use all 25 weapons at once.
There is no need to worry about dying because of the unlimited supply of ammunition, healing packs, and respawn points.
Gun Run can be played on the maps of Skulltown and Fragment East (World’s Edge).
As previously stated, Gun Run will be released on September 20 as part of the Beast of Prey Collection event and will be taken off Apex on October 4.
The LTM will only be in the pool for two weeks, so make the most of your time with it while you can; you never know when it will return.