A photograph taken by a NASA rover shows a door like opening on Mars
While some believe that alien life is a question of probability, others argue that the existence of intelligent life elsewhere in the cosmos cannot be ruled out.
Many examinations have been carried out by NASA to discover whether or not intelligent life has ever existed on nearby planets.
The Mastcam camera on board the Curiosity rover, which has been on Mars for more than a decade, is the star of the show this time around.
The May 7 images show what looks to be a perfectly carved entrance on the planet’s surface. NASA has offered a scientific explanation for the strange phenomena, despite the fact that it sparked significant discussion on social media and online forums like Reddit about whether it was proof of life on other planets.
Some have dubbed it “extraterrestrial door” and NASA experts believe it was born because of the planet’s seismic activity that gave rise to it.
On May 4, there was an earthquake, which scientists believe might have been responsible for the development of the “door” as earthquakes are fairly prevalent on Earth.
Known as “shear fracture” this natural movement caused the rock to build up tension from seismic motions and finally shatter.
Snope, a website that investigates viral or famous information to see if they are true or not, made its findings concerning the “door”
For further information, the site’s experts contacted NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).
JPL claimed it was really a “very, very, very, very magnified shot of a small crack in the rock,” according to Snopes website comment.
“The team scientists stressed how small the crack is: about 30 centimeters across and 45 centimeters wide. They said there are linear fractures along this outcrop, and this is a place where several linear fractures happen to intersect,” JPL spokesperson