Welcome to our guide of “XCOM 2: How To Build Up Contacts?”. One of the most significant components of the XCOM 2 game is making resistance contacts, which generates additional revenue and new mission chances.
How to build up contacts in XCOM 2?
XCOM 2 starts with only three Contacts, therefore increasing that figure should be a priority. To begin, players must finish the Resistance Comms research project, which becomes open after the initial Guerilla Ops mission. After that, players can install Resistance Comms facilities within the Avenger. Comms facilities cost 110-160 Supplies, use 3 Power, & take 16 days to create. Each Comms facility increases your Contacts cap by 1, & by 2 if an Engineer is present. Upgrade Resistance Comms for 125-190 Supplies & 4 Power to increase space onboard XCOM 2’s sci-fi airplane, the Avenger. Also, by adding a second Engineer role, the Contacts cap will be raised by 4.
What is the importance of contacts?
Contacts are essential in XCOM 2, since the XCOM project must unite the planet in opposition to the alien authority. Although it is possible to execute tasks beyond the Contact territory, possessing a vast area covered gives players more options. Also, each Contact raises the player’s monthly Supplies from XCOM’s secretive Central, rendering it a valuable source of revenue alongside missions and salvage sales. A continent’s particular bonus is unlocked by contacting all resistances on that continent.
So, this was our guide “XCOM 2: How To Build Up Contacts?”. Feel free to leave a comment below!