Welcome to our guide “World Of Warcraft – Burning Crusade Classic: How To Unlock The Sunwell Plateau?”. Sunwell Plateau is a fan-favorite raid that has been added to World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic. How to unlock this TBC’s 25-man work of art and which bosses will you fight?

World Of Warcraft – Burning Crusade Classic: Unlocking the Sunwell Plateau
On May 12 2022, Sunwell Plateau was added to WoW TBC Classic, and the doorways to its holy halls were opened once more. Inside the Eastern Kingdoms, on the once-calm Isle of Quel’Danas, is a once-elite High Elf sanctuary. Players will require to be Level 70 to reach it. You can get to the area through a portal inside Shattrath City.
Sunwell Plateau: Bosses to fight
Sunwell Plateau is the toughest raid case in TBC but you don’t need a raid attunement to go there. You just need to be part of a raid group. Unlike the previous edition, all six bosses would be accessible from the beginning of the raid in the order – Kalecgos, Brutallus, Felmyst, The Eredar Twins, M’uru and Kil’jaeden. Kil’jaeden even drops Thori’dal – the Stars’ Fury, an iconic bow but it only drops 7 percent of the time.
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