Welcome to our guide “Wildcat Gun Machine: How To Fight Votolato, Heart Of The Beast?”. Below are some helpful hints for defeating Votolato, Heart Of The Beast from Wildcat Gun Machine.
Who is Votolato, Heart Of The Beast?
The major secret of Wildcat Gun Machine seems to be the origin of the corruption & beasts. Whenever you enter a chamber, they appear out of nowhere to attack you. This includes the bosses whose mere sight locks the most deadly technology. In fact, they’re blocking the path to the Beast’s wrath. You’ll encounter it in pieces, with its heart within the “Act One vault”. This force, Votolato, will take control a bipedal war gear in a metal hellscape. It will then unleash all its weapons on you.
How to fight Votolato, Heart Of The Beast in Wildcat Gun Machine?
This war-gear is the true menace, not the squishy material surrounding it. It moves about the arena to evade your fire. It fires back with repeated double-shots from its body. Once it stops, it can spread and shoot bullets from its primary cannon arm. The good thing is that you’re not confined because you have plenty of space to move. It even has two dreadful weapons it uses frequently. The primary one would be its artillery, which can repeatedly fire thousands of missiles. Red cross-hairs spread around the field show their impact points.
You’ll have to keep moving to avoid the missiles’ AoE reach. It’ll begin firing at you after receiving damage. Get ready to dodge when a lengthy red line appears. The “Disintegrator Beam” would be a good choice for this battle. It does a lot of damage and can strike Votolato from all the sides. This also gives you rapid access to Ammo Refills. When you are close enough, toss a Grenade for more damage.
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