Welcome to our guide “Wildcat Gun Machine: How To Fight Rot Belcher?”. In this guide we’ll give an overview on who is Rot Belcher and how you can defeat him.

Who is Rot Belcher in Wildcat Gun Machine?
It’s no secret that media frequently borrow insects’ aesthetics and lexicon to build hostile extraterrestrial species. Wildcat follows them with their insect-themed Act Two setup. They’ll all be flying around, some trying to escape fire or fire back, others can be a lot more violent. Their Spawners resemble huge larvae, while their boss, Rot Belcher, resembles an egg sack. This vile creature manages to stay afloat while trying to expel you from its cave.
How to fight Rot Belcher?
This creature is an indirect boss. Although the “Act One” bosses might have appeared aloof, they nonetheless shot bullets at you. Rot Belcher’s aura and surroundings are its weapons. The most apparent is a blazing red circle that surrounds it. This is an excellent indicator for offscreen location, and also a warning not to come too close. Rot Belcher’s main weapon is a flame-like missile that it fires out. They can fire in all directions and stay for a long time, so don’t panic and get hit.
Luckily, they follow a concise pattern and are simple to spot if you’re not very close. A word of caution though, these flames flare out and accelerate as Rot Belcher suffers more damage. The arena is what makes this battle difficult. It’s tighter than other boss rooms, so get used to it. If Rot Belcher loses enough health, it will invoke flamethrowers on both sides of the arena. You can dash them to move around, but keep an eye out for the flaming spouts.
So, this was our guide “Wildcat Gun Machine: How To Fight Rot Belcher?”. Feel free to leave a comment below!