Welcome to our guide of “Vampire The Masquerade – Bloodhunt: What Are The Best Tips To Be A Vampire?”. While this battle royale spin-off of Vampire: The Masquerade, is a lot of fun, it’s not really great at explaining its gameplay details. Let us explain these & other Bloodhunt tips and methods so you can conquer Prague’s rooftops.

Interact with humans only while biting
Humans are spotted on the ground, and you don’t just don’t want to to scare them. Vampire players who shoot, use their powers, or bite someone will initiate a Bloodhunt, marking their location on the map & making them visible for a minute, even if they kill the observer. Killing humans with a weapon initiates the Bloodhunt even if no one witnesses it. The only reason you want to engage with humans is to bite them for perks, health, & power-ups, that doesn’t trigger the hunt.
Keep to the roofs
Unless you have a solid purpose to go to ground level, you should stay on the rooftops. Rooftops are usually safer because you can see farther, travel more freely, avoid alerting humans, and fleeing an attack is faster than scrambling up the wall of a church.
Biting enemies gives you extra perks
Biting humans will give you different rewards based on who you bite. However there’s a limit on how many benefits you can get at once, three at first, until you begin spreading out & biting other players, or ‘Diablerising’. Each time they’re bitten, you’ll gain fresh Resonance Slots. You may then refill this with perks, up to a maximum of 12.
So, this was our guide “Vampire The Masquerade – Bloodhunt: What Are The Best Tips To Be A Vampire?”. Please leave a comment below!