Welcome to our ‘Valorant: How To Play Breach?’ guide. Breach is a Bionic Initiator Agent who can destabilize the battlefield in a flash. But what makes the Swede unique? Let’s see.
Breach can confront angles that other Agents can’t. The Initiator is the excellent Agent to use if you want to put your opponent on the back foot.
But why is Breach so strong? Where does the burly Agent fit in? We dig in and see whether the ginger-bearded assailant can compete with other Initiators.
Valorant’s Breach abilities
Breach’s skills might help you and your squad in practically any circumstance. With such a high-end utility belt, it’s no wonder he’s in virtually every competitive squad. Examine Breach’s powers one by one:
Ability 1 — Aftershock (200 Creds): EQUIP a fusion charge. FIRE the charge to set a slow-acting burst through the wall. The burst does heavy damage to anyone caught in its area.
Ability 2 — Flashpoint (250 Creds): EQUIP a blind charge. FIRE the charge to set a fast-acting burst through the wall. The charge detonates to blind all players looking at it.
Signature Ability — Fault Line (Free; 40s cooldown): EQUIP a seismic blast. HOLD FIRE to increase the distance. RELEASE to set off the quake, dazing all players in its zone and in a line up to the zone.
Ultimate Ability — Rolling Thunder (7 Points): EQUIP a seismic charge. FIRE to send a cascading quake through all terrain in a large cone. The quake dazes and knocks up anyone caught in it.
Breach’s first two powers are aptly named. You and your squad may break through opposing lines when their adversary is crippled or blinded with Aftershock and Flashpoint.
In a round, you must utilize Flashpoint’s two charges judiciously and Aftershock’s one.
Both of them are useful since they can penetrate walls. So long as you know when and where to utilize them (preferably with Cypher’s Spycam or Sova’s Owl Drone), they’re a great tool when visiting a Reactor Site.
Valorant’s Breach gameplay
Breach gives you all the utility you could need to help enter a site — or retake one. He can stay back and throw out flashes and stuns to push enemies out of corners, while letting the rest of the team mop up the mess.
That doesn’t mean he’s not self-sufficient on the entry though. With enough practice, you can flash, stun, and blow out corners by yourself without breaking a sweat. Aiming your flashes is key though — you might need to change up where you flash every round to surprise enemies.
Throwing them high might catch more enemies, but it’s easier to dodge. Throwing them on the floor can also work, but it won’t catch as many people out. Once you learn the angles to flash multiple positions though — putting them right on the corner — you can break through onto sites easily.
With the seven meter gap between you and the cast of Fault Line and Rolling Thunder, you have to be mindful of enemies hiding right around corners though. Your stun might pass over them if you use it too close.
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