This article contains all of the information you need to know about Vampire Waygates in V Rising. We’ll go through where to locate all of the Vampire Waygates in Vardoran, how to utilize them, and which things prevent you from using them to fast travel.

How do Vampire Waygates operate?
There are now ten Vampire Waygates scattered over Vardoran’s realm in V Rising, with four in Farbane Woods, three in Dunley Farmlands, one in the Cursed Forest, one in the Silverlight Hills, and one in the Hallowed Mountains. In contrast to Cavepassages, you may go from any Vampire Waygate on the map to any other, even your own when you come to create one in your castle. You may even travel to and from other players’ Vampire Waygates if you’re in the same clan.
This seems to be a straightforward rapid travel / portal method, however there is a catch, like with Cavepassages. The fundamental limitation of Vampire Waygates is that you cannot travel between them while having resources in your inventory.
All ore and ingot kinds (Copper, Iron, Sulphur, Scourgestone, Dark Silver, and Gold), Plant Fibre, Cotton, Course Thread, Wool Thread, Lumber, Planks, Animal Hides, Leather, Bone, Stone, Clay… are included. Basically, whatever you can make cannot be used to teleport via Vampire Waygates.
Locations of Vampire Waygates
You can see that there is a good distribution of these over the landscape, but you may add even more to certain locations by creating them yourself or utilising those produced by other members of your clan. The recipe for your own Vampire Waygate can be found in the Exterior construction menu’s Structures & Decor category.
It requires 200 Blood Essence, 20 Planks, 20 Copper Ingots, and 10 Gem Dust to construct. Keep in mind that you will not be able to construct a Vampire Waygate inside your castle walls. Instead, you’ll need to construct it on an outer surface, such as grass, cobblestones, or another form of outdoor flooring.
List of Vampire Waygates and their locations
Vampire Waygate | Location |
Cursed Forest | To the right of the road as you enter the Cursed Forest from Dunley Farmlands |
East Dunley Farmlands | Southeast of Bastion of Dunley |
Hallowed Mountains | Near the northern tip of the peninsula south of Hallowed Mountains on the map |
Northeast Farbane Woods | East of the Bandit Trapper Camp |
Northwest Farbane Woods | South of the Bandit Armory, west of the Bandit Copper Mine |
Silverlight Hills | Northeast of the Harpy Nest, along the road heading west from Dunley Farmlands to Silverlight Hills |
Southeast Dunley Farmlands | East of the Haunted Iron Mine, south of Dawnbreak Village |
Southeast Farbane Woods | In the southeasternmost corner of Farbane Woods |
Southwest Dunley Farmlands | West of the Haunted Iron Mine, southeast of Mosswick Village |
Southwest Farbane Woods | In the southwesternmost corner of Farbane Woods |
It’s a good idea to empty your inventory anytime you’re going to leave your castle. It’s easy to forget that you have various expensive goods that might be stashed in stashes inside your castle and lost to a PvP fight or an unexpected boss encounter. It will also make you more adaptable if clan members advise you to use a Vampire Waygate immediately after leaving the castle.