The Highland Lotus is a brilliant green bloom with a very limited supply. To collect the Plant fiber as well as the Highland Lotus blossoms, you must first discover it and then harvest it with your sword or axe. Continue reading to discover where to find Highland Lotus Farms and how to get highland lotus seeds in V Rising.

What are the locations Highland Lotus Farms in V Rising?
The Highland Lotus is an uncommon resource that is difficult to come across throughout the map. Silverlight Hills, on the other hand, has a good number of Highland Lotus.
The Highland Lotus may be found in the Harpy Nest in the Silverlight Hills, and a few in the Silverlight Hills area to the north.
Aside from rocks and cliffs, Highland Lotus is usually found in Harpy Nest. Head to the Harpy Nest and pluck the resource’s little bushes to cultivate the Highland Lotus.
There won’t be many Highland Lotus plants growing together since the Highland Lotus is a limited resource plant. In most cases, you’ll discover a single plant growing alone, and you’ll have to search the region for a group. Without a doubt, it’s a time-consuming procedure!
It’s also worth noting that you can’t take them via the waygates since they’re a resource.
How to get Highland Lotus Seeds?
Highland Lotus Seeds may also be used to harvest Highland Lotus Flowers in V Rising. The good news is that you can grow the Highland Lotus Plants with only a few of these Seeds.
Highland Lotus Seeds are not as uncommon as Highland Lotus Plants, so you may stock up on them. The seeds are sold by Ottar the Merchant, who dwells in a home in the Bright Haven Slums.
Ottar will offer Highland Lotus Seeds for 200 Silver apiece, thus if you have enough silver, you may purchase as many seeds as you like from him.
After acquiring the seeds from Ottar, return to your castle to sow them. The seeds must be placed in the garden, and now is the time to start one if you don’t already have one.
Plant the seeds in the garden and let them alone; they’ll eventually develop into full–grown plants, which you can harvest for Highland Lotus Flowers.
When harvesting, employ a weapon like a slasher or a sword to deal greater damage to the plants. To assure a multitude of Highland Lotus Flowers, plant as many seeds as possible.