V Rising, as you may know, also has the option of hosting dedicated servers in addition to hosting your own private game. Fans may now host their own games and make their own rules, according to Stunlock Studios. While setting up a dedicated server is a distinct procedure, we’ll concentrate on V Rising Console Commands and Cheats in this article. On your hosted server or private game, you may utilize these console commands and hacks.

How to enable console commands?
For V Rising Dedicated servers, using Console Commands, also known as Admin Commands, isn’t a difficult task. All you have to do is follow these easy instructions:
The first thing you need do in V Rising is make sure Console is turned on in the options menu.
After that, you may enter the console menu by pressing the tilde key “`” beneath the ESC key on your keyboard while in-game.
Additionally, if you are renting a server via Gportal, you need seek for the option “Adminlist” in the Gportal basic settings. For verification purposes, you must enter your 64 Steam ID here. You should also enter additional players’ Steam 64 IDs if you wish to make them admins. If you’re wondering how to acquire the Steam-64-ID, you may do it with ease using this program.
After you’ve added the ID to Gportal, go to settings and activate the in-game console option. Now you may access the console panel/admin panel for Gportal V Rising leased servers by hitting the “‘” key.
List of all the console commands
You’ll discover a list of commands for your dedicated server or private game after you’ve accessed the console with the “‘” key. To begin, type “list” into the terminal and hit enter. This will display a list of commands that are accessible to you.
Some of these commands are connected to adjustments, some to admin rights, and yet others to cheats. To use these commands, put the command name into your keyboard and then hit the “Space” key. This will provide you more alternatives when it comes to those instructions. Some instructions may even need two arguments to be run, making them a little more difficult.
If you wish to use the command “logdestroyevents” from the command list, for example, it will prompt you for two arguments, which you may enter by hitting space. If you wish to kick a player, write kick and then hit the Space key on the keyboard. It will immediately offer you a selection of players from which you may kick one. The same is true when it comes to banning and unbanning users on your server.
What are the admin commands?
As previously said, entering “list” in console will display a list of all the admin commands available to you, but if you’re not sure what each command does, we’ve listed the purpose of each command below.
adminauth – this command allows you to take control of the server as an admin
give [name] – adds any item you want to your inventory. Can be further supplemented by quantity e.g give leather 50 will add 50 leather to your inventory
giveset – similar to the give command but provides you with weapons or armor from specific sets
kick [name/ip/userID] – kicks a player from the server. You can use name or ip or userID to kick.
banuser[name/ip/userID] – bans a player from the server. You can use name or ip or userID to ban.
unban[name/ip/userID] – unban a player from the server. You can use name or ip or userID to unban.
banned – gives a list of all the banned players on the server
List of cheats
As previously stated, several console instructions in V Rising are blatant hacks. You may use the gift command, for example, to offer your character certain things or bonuses.
Then there’s a command that you can use to get certain armor and weapon sets in the game. To receive a list of sets you may use, type giveset command and hit Space. Those sets will be immediately added to your inventory as you press enter.
You may also experiment with various instructions, such as teleporting oneself to a person or teleporting other players towards you.
So, this was our little guide to show you how to activate console commands in V Rising and how to use them for various reasons.