Being a vampire in V Rising does not exclude death. Even if you play as a powerful vampire, you will undoubtedly incur harm. Healing is quite crucial in the game for this reason. The next tutorial will teach you how to heal in V Rising utilizing several methods. In V Rising, there are many methods to heal, all of which are detailed here.

Auto Healing
As long as there is blood in the Blood Pool, you will continue to auto-heal. You will swiftly lose health if you use up all of the blood, losing -10 HP in a matter of seconds.
All you have to do to activate auto-healing is escape to a safe spot and avoid taking any harm. At night, auto healing is quicker than during the day. You must feed the Blood Pool blood from people and animals on a regular basis to keep it healthy.
How do you use Blood Mend to restore your HP?
Blood Mend is the most powerful healing method in V Rising. It also comes in handy during boss battles when the adversary shifts levels and there is a little respite, such as during the fight with Alpha Wolf.
Blood Mend takes longer to heal, but it restores all of your health. If you want to swiftly recover and go back into fight, press the left mouse button to cancel the healing. Press and hold the Left Ctrl key to activate Blood Mend.
How do you heal with consumables?
During a combat, consumables are the greatest method to heal. There are various consumables in the game, some of which you’ll get early on and others afterwards. The rat will most likely be your first consumable. The rat is used to replenish a little quantity of blood.
Some hearts, such as the Unsullied Heart and the Tainted Heart, may not restore health instantly but do increase blood, enabling you to use the Blood Mend later.
One of the first aims is to manufacture the Vermin Salve, which is an early item you may make. By hitting Tab, the rapid crafting option will display, and the item will appear.
The Vermin Salve heals 2.5 percent of maximum health every 1.5 seconds for 15 seconds.
Additionally, camp treasure contains the Blood Rose Brew. The brew heals 4% of maximum health each second for 10 seconds. Additional consumables that may help with HP recovery can be found throughout the game.