In V Rising, the following instruction will teach you how to harvest leather for crafting.

How do you get leather?
To get Leather in V Rising, players must murder Wolves and Bears. Both adversaries will drop Animal Fiber, which is required for Leather production. By placing Animal Fiber in a Tannery, you can transform it into Leather.
The player will need a total of 16 Animal Hides to make 1x Leather, therefore they will have to seek extensively. Animal Fiber is plentiful in V Rising, since you can get it in large quantities by killing Wolves and Bears.
How do you get Tannery?
To access the Tannery and create Leather you must find and defeat Keely the Frost Archer. In the game, Keely the Frost Archer may be found in the Bandit Trapper Camp region.
When you kill Keely, the Tannery will open, and you may build it for 8 Planks and 160 Animal Hides.
How can Kelly the Frost Archer be defeated?
You must first find Keely the Frost Archer in order to vanquish him. Keely may be found at the Farbane Woods vampire waygate in the Bandit Trapper Camp.
It is advised that you upgrade your Nightstalker gear to increase your chances of success.
To lessen his advantage of long-range hits, you must go near for this confrontation. Continue to fire your weapon at him as Keely fires AOEs at you, and the battle should be over in no time.
You’ll have control over Tanneries and leather, as well as the Frost Bat ability, after beating Kelly. To earn V Blood, which is necessary to unlock the Leather Formula in V Rising, you must also fight Keely. You can gain the recipe by drinking V Blood and using it to make leather, among other things.
Animal V Rising Hides Farming Locations
Hides may be obtained by hunting animals in the following locations:
- Wolf Den
- Bear Territories (where you will find a lot of bears)