Once you’ve just began your V Rising adventure and are exploring the game’s open-world environment. You’ll quickly learn how crucial it is to look for valuable materials. Having them in your inventory so you can create helpful weapons for survival. In this article, we’ll look at where you may obtain Iron Ore in V Rising, as well as the helpful products you can make with it. So, without further ado, let’s get this party started!

How to get iron ore?
Iron and Iron Ore are two of the most important and lucrative materials that players must gather while playing V Rising.
Despite the availability of copper and other minerals available across the globe, Iron Ore challenges players to go the additional mile (which is well worth it!). Having it requires you to upgrade your equipment and weaponry.
Iron Ore locations
The Haunted Iron Mine is the only place in V Rising where you may find Iron Ore. It’s at the very center of the map, south of the Dunley Farmlands and towards the second area.
While we encourage that you get there as quickly as possible to get your hands on the excellent goods, keep in mind that once you get, there will be dangerous adversaries ready to attack you. As a result, we suggest visiting the location after you’ve reached level 36.
After you’ve dealt with all of the evil people and cleared your path, you may finally appreciate all the Haunted Iron Mine has to offer! As soon as you go inside and begin investigating, you’ll find yourself in Iron Heaven, with enough of it strewn around begging to be gathered.
Iron and Iron Veins may be mined from the rocks using Copper Mace or equivalent equipment, while Iron Ores can be found by opening chests.
Aside from the Haunted Iron Mine, players may obtain Iron and Iron Ore by fighting foes and unlocking golden boxes all across the realm. However, we do not advocate this approach since it is unstable and only provides inadequate Iron.
How do you mine iron veins?
Players must first identify and mine Iron Veins before they can get the Iron Ores. Iron Veins abound in the Haunted Iron Mine, so discovering them won’t be difficult. However, mining them still necessitates the use of machinery. A Copper Mace is required to mine Iron Veins for Iron Ores.
To do so, first set up a basic workstation like you would for any other craft, and then use a Sawmill to make Wooden Planks.
Select a Bone Mace to upgrade to a Reinforced Bone Mace now. After that, mine Copper Ore while also creating a Furnace. Make a Copper Mace by smelting Copper Ore into Copper Ingots.
That’s all there is to it! You’ve got the ideal instrument for effectively acquiring Iron Veins and Ores. Now go down to the place listed below and collect all of the Iron!
How do you make iron ingots?
After obtaining the Iron Ores, players must turn them into Iron Ingots. It’s a simple method that doesn’t involve nearly as much work as obtaining Iron Ores in the first place.
Bring a smelter to your castle and fill it with your ores to make Iron Ingots. With Smithy’s guidance, it will turn them into Iron Ingots, which you may use to upgrade your weapons and armor.
What do you do with iron ingots?
Once you obtain the Iron Ingots, you may construct a variety of weapons and equipment. Iron Crossbow, for example, may be made using the Woodworking Bench among other weapons like Iron Reaper and Iron Slashers.
Iron Weapons can be obtained by beating foes or by reading research scrolls.