Several different sorts of resources are needed to make various objects in V Rising. Gold is one of these materials, and unlike copper, iron, and quartz, it does not exist as a mineral. To get Gold Ingots, you will have to utilize gold jewelry. This guide will show you how to get Gold Ingots in V Rising.

What are all the farming locations?
Gold ingots can only be acquired by smelting gold jewelry in V Rising. Gold Jewelry is dropped by a variety of opponents throughout the game.
Brighthaven Cathedral is the finest area to gain gold jewelry in V Rising, and once you reach there, you can farm elite foes like wizards and paladins for gold jewelry drops.
Be prepared to face these foes, as they will be difficult to defeat.
What is the recipe Gold Ingots?
To make these, you’ll also need to unlock the Gold Ingots recipe. You must battle ‘Azariel the Sunbringer,’ who is situated in Brighthaven Cathedral, in order to obtain the Gold Ingots recipe.
Azariel is a V Blood Level 68 boss that will be difficult to defeat. Make certain you’re ready for the boss battle.
Holy Resistance flasks, as well as higher-tier weapons and gear, should be brought to this boss encounter.
How to get Gold Ingots?
You will be able to make Gold Ingots if you have obtained the Gold Ingots recipe. You’ll need 8x Gold Jewelry pieces and 8x Sulphur to manufacture one Gold Ingot. To get a Gold Ingot, place these objects on a surface.
Gold Ingots are a high–tier item in V Rising, and they may be embedded into your weapons and armor to boost weapon damage and armor damage resistance.