This guide will show you how to make Hollowfang Battlegear. You may pick from a variety of different gears in V Rising. You will gain stronger and higher-tier weapons and armor as the game goes, allowing you to deal more damage and defend yourself. Hollowfang Battlegear is one such piece of equipment.

How to make Hollowfang Battlegear in V Rising?
You must first complete a number of prerequisites in order to manufacture Hollowfang gear. To begin, keep improving your Castle until the opportunity to interact with the ‘Blood Altar‘ appears.
Once you’ve figured out how to interact with the Blood Altar, you’ll be able to see a list of all the V Blood Carriers in the game. V Blood Carriers are unique bosses that may provide you extraordinary abilities if you fight them and drink their blood.
Quincy the Bandit King, a Level 37 V Blood Carrier in Farbane Woods, is the target of our attention. Quincy the Bandit King may be found at the place listed below. You may also utilize the ‘Track Blood‘ option to automatically mark him on your map.
Suck Quincy’s blood after defeating him to get the Chaos Barrier and Merciless Charge abilities. Iron Ingot, Iron Weapons, Smithy and Tailoring Bench constructions, and Hollowfang Battlegear recipes are all included.
You must first construct the Tailoring Bench before you may manufacture the Hollowfang gear from the recipe. After that, you may start working on the Hollowfang Battlegear. The following pieces make up the Hollowfang battlegear set:
- Hollowfang Chestguard
- Hollowfang Leggings
- Hollowfang Gloves
- Hollowfang Boots