To assist you in locating Sulphur in V Rising, we’ve put together this guide that will show you where to get Sulphur Ore and how to manufacture explosives with it.

What are all the locations of sulphur ore?
Farming diverse resources is an important component of the gameplay in a survival game like V Rising. Sulphur is one of the most crucial materials to learn how to farm in V Rising.
Some of the rock and mineral deposits in V Rising can’t be mined with ordinary equipment; you’ll have to blast them up using explosives. This is why sulphur is such an important resource.
Sulphur is found in the form of Sulphur Ore everywhere around the planet of V Rising. This ore has a golden stone-like appearance. Once you’ve discovered a Sulphur Ore deposit, just whack it to add it to your inventory.
While sulphur deposits may be discovered in every zone in the game, they are most abundant and plentiful in the Farbane Woods.
You may smelt Sulphur Ore in a Furnace to make Sulphur after you have it in your inventory.
Keep in mind that you’ll need the formula to smelt Sulphur Ore into Sulphur. After defeating Clive the Firestarter in V Rising, the Sulphur Recipe becomes available. Clive is a V Blood Carrier boss at level 30.
In V Rising, the finest site to cultivate Sulphur happens to be the same region where you fight Clive the Firestarter.
Scanning every aspect of the region once you’ve taken out Clive will reveal plenty of Sulphur Ore for you to harvest.
How can you make explosives using sulphur?
Sulphur is significant since it is required for the production of explosives in the game.
You’ll need a special crafting station called the “Alchemy Table” if you wish to make explosives using the Sulphur you’ve harvested.
Fortunately, you’ll also get the Alchemy Table after defeating Clive the Firestarter, so you’ll most likely already have this crafting station unlocked.
Open your Alchemy Table when you’ve finished setting it up and peruse through the recipes. The “Minor Explosive Box” is the one you’re searching for.
When you hover your mouse over the recipe, the essential components will appear. You’ll need 8x Sulphur, 8x Planks, and 4x Whetstone to make one Minor Explosive Box.
Put the ingredients in the input slot and make the Minor Explosive Box after you have them.
To utilize this Minor Explosive Box for mining ores, just set it adjacent to the ore deposit, and it will explode, enabling you to get the raw ore.
Until you beat the Level 36 Ferocious Bear encounter later in the game, explosives will be your only option for farming these ores.
When you slay this monster and transform into a bear, you’ll be able to utilize a special attack that destroys mineral deposits, enabling you to harvest them without using explosives.
However, this does not imply that explosives will become obsolete once you reach that level. After that, you may start utilizing them to protect your base from intruders.