For those searching for information about Prisoner Dungeons, a major source of power in V Rising, this guide covers all you need to understand about Prisoner Cells.

How do you make Prison Cells?
In V Rising, the prisoner system lets you to pick your meal and blood type while preserving 100% blood purity. That blood may then be collected for an indefinite amount of time.
To begin, you must first construct a jail cell in V Rising. Building a jail cell is a late-game chore since you must first kill and drain V Blood from Vincent the Frostbiter. He’s a level 40 ice boss that can be found in the Dunley Farmlands‘ central roadways.
After you’ve finished Vincent, you may begin constructing the jail cells in your fortress. This is found in the production choices and subsequently in the domination options.
To construct a jail cell, you must obtain x12 Iron Ingots, which may be discovered in high-level regions. In V Rising, there are no limits on the number of jail cells you may construct.
Where to find Pure Blood Enemies in V Rising?
To fill the jail cells with pure blood opponents, you must first earn the charming abilities via conventional questing. You can’t pursue pureblood adversaries until you learn the talent. Pureblood foes are often seen in high-altitude settings.
The northern area of the map, where the majority of the pureblood foes live, offers the greatest possibilities. Because it contains only tiny animals, the Cursed Forest may be disregarded.
The Blood Hunter talent, which can be earned by slaying Tristian the Vampire Hunter, is one of the greatest ways to identify the purest blood type foes. The talent displays the blood kind and percentages of all enemies in view.
How to find prisoners for your Prison Cells?
Enemies may be charmed and returned to the castle. If you are too far away from the castle, you may utilize the caverns to return there.
When you return to the castle, go to the jail cell and choose the imprison option. This will lock the enchanted opponent in a jail cell and open up additional possibilities.
You may drain the prisoner’s blood, but this will diminish their health by 30–60%. You must then feed your hostages in order to keep them alive.
How to make sure that your Prisoners survive?
When a prisoner is caged, he or she has little HP and must be fed to regain health. You may feed them rats, which will restore their HP to 20–30%. Fish is another meal choice that will fully restore their HP. This may be accomplished by investigating the jail cell alternatives.
By inserting some plant fibers and bones into your Vermin Nest, you can get a lot of rats. The obese, filthy fish may be obtained by scavenging communities or just fishing.
How to handle the Misery Level in V Rising?
The quantity of hp that falls when blood is extracted from a prisoner is determined by the suffering level. Whenever the blood is extracted, more anguish does more harm. As a result, it must be maintained low.
Each time you drain blood from your captives, their suffering level rises. You must maintain that amount low, which may be accomplished by feeding them high-quality fish such as Rainbow Trout, which decreases unhappiness by 5–10%. The Sage Fish may restore up to 70% of your HP and lower your sorrow by 15–30%.
How to make Glass Flasks in V Rising?
When you consume the blood in a glass flask, it disappears from your inventory, as does the requirement for a fresh glass flask to drain blood into. The flask may be obtained by scavenging around the villages or made on an alchemy bench.
The alchemy bench is obtained by fighting Clive the Fire Starter at level 30, while the glass recipe is unlocked by defeating Christina the Sun Priestess at level 44. The quartz must be placed in the furnace to manufacture glass, which is located in the northern portion of Dunley Farmlands.
How to drain out blood from Prisoners?
To drain your inmates’ blood, just pick their prisoner cell to see the Drain Blood option. Start draining their blood into your available flasks by selecting the titular option.
How do you make a matching Prison Floor?
Building a matched jail floor may minimize harm to your captives by 25%. Matching the jail floor is a difficult and late-game chore. This takes a significant amount of boss farming, luck, and schematics.
What are the types of Blood Banks?
There are two alternatives for constantly playing with the 100 percent blood type. One option is to jail people with the desired blood types.
The second is to enchant various blood kinds and utilize them for various reasons. You may cultivate using Worker’s blood or battle bosses with Pure Warrior’s blood. You may utilize any low-quality blood type for any other activities.
How to save pure 100% Blood?
Blood may be preserved by using alternate healing methods such as potions or animal forms such as beer to heal organically. If you take a little break and enter your coffin for a while, your blood pressure progressively reduces. All of these suggestions may be combined to conserve 100% pure blood for a longer length of time.