It’s time to go on the search for a powerful werewolf in the game. In V Rising, the following instructions will help you find and fight Wilfred, the Werewolf Chief.

What is the location of Wilfred the Werewolf Chief?
Wilfred, the Werewolf Chief, can be found northeast of the Dunley Farmlands in the Gloomgrave Village. The boss will spawn at a modest home in the village’s northwestern corner.
There are a lot of werewolves in this region. Before battling Wilfred, we suggest that you eliminate the other werewolves in the vicinity. This will make the struggle much simpler for you.
During the day, while the other werewolves are helpless, you may battle them. It is suggested, however, that you battle Wilfred the Werewolf Chief when night falls, since you will be unable to extract his V blood if he becomes human during the day.
What gear do you need?
The Werewolf Chief, Wilfred, is a level 64 boss. As a result, your gear should be level 64 or above. Using Iron Gear and the following things, you can level up your gear to level 64:
- An Iron Crossbow with decent long-range damage.
- The ability of Veil of Chaos to rapidly evade assaults and distract the boss. Your next attack’s damage is likewise increased as a result of this.
- The Ward of the Damned ability may be used to stop any attacks that deliver a lot of damage.
- The ability of Chaos Volley to do long-range damage.
- The ability of the Volatile Arachnid to do additional damage to the monster.
How to defeat Wilfred the Werewolf Chief?
Wilfred, the Werewolf Chief, has a wide range of abilities. The boss is very tough to beat since he has a lot of HP and moves quite quickly.
If you battle this boss long enough until sunlight comes, he will transform into a person. Fighting him after he transforms into a human is pointless. As a result, we advise you to fight this boss soon as darkness falls and deal with him as swiftly as possible.
You should be aware that Wilfred has a few tricks in his sleeve. He may disguise himself and strike you from behind for a few seconds. To avoid this assault, you’ll need to be very exact with your timing.
Wilfred has the ability to summon certain people as well. The boss may murder these people in order to heal himself. When you witness this technique in action, you may do one of two things.
You have two options: kill the humans yourself and deny Wilfred the heal, or attack him while he is occupied with the humans and deliver some damage in exchange. However, killing the people oneself is preferable.
The boss has a variety of strikes at his disposal. During the encounter, the monster may buff himself up at any time. After that, he may either strike you with his palms (which are very swift and can be repeated numerous times) or head butt you a few times.
It’s best to start the battle with this boss by luring him inside the home behind him. The monster and the summoned people are restricted to a narrow area, making them less of a nuisance.
Patience is your strongest weapon against this boss. You must anticipate and avoid his assaults. You’ll have more opportunity to hit him if you dodge his assaults.
It is preferable to face this monster as a group. It will be more difficult to beat him in single mode, but it is possible.
What all rewards do you earn?
You will get the following things after beating Wilfred the Werewolf Chief:
- Recipe for Holy Resistance Flask
- Heart Strike Power