Solarus, the Immaculate, is a legendary light paladin who also serves as the game’s final boss. He is without a doubt the game’s most powerful adversary. In V Rising, the following guide will teach you all you need to know about discovering and fighting Solarus.

What is the location of Solarus the Immaculate?
Solarus may be located east of Silverlight Hills, within the Fortress of b. Because he lives within the castle, you may have this meeting throughout the day without danger of being exposed to the sun. On the map below, his precise position has been noted.
What gear do yo need?
Solarus is a boss in V Rising who is level 80. Before taking on this battle, you’ll obviously need to gather the greatest gear available in the game. However, players with a gear level of 78 have been able to beat him.
Joining a clan is strongly advised if you want to have several allies alongside you throughout the battle. Solarus will still be a challenge, but going alone makes it considerably more tough.
How to defeat Solarus the Immaculate?
Solarus has three phases. First phase: three basic strikes. His initial basic attack stuns and hurts.
During the charge, he’ll unleash two sparks that will do damage. You may avoid the follow-up attack by moving out of the charged strike’s path and behind him, between the sparks.
His second basic attack throws sparks behind him that hurt you over time. You can cast a shield to absorb most of the damage, however it’s difficult.
His third and last basic move is a splitting rolling sword. This is the easiest assault to dodge.
Solarus enters phase two when his health reaches 50%. He’ll go to the arena’s center to create an angel to fight beside him.
The angel starts with a three-hit melee strike, executing two blows quickly before a thrust. At 40% health, she emits Solarus-like sparkles.
With Solarus‘ power to create pillars of light, the arena will be flooded with sparks.
To survive the second fight, ignore the angel. As her health worsens, she’ll become immune and heal herself. Focus on Solarus.
Below 10% health, he becomes immune and returns to the arena’s center to recuperate.
During this time, kill the angel. Solarus will cause huge damage with moderate blows during his immunity phase.
Angel’s death ends phase two. In the third phase of the conflict, Solarus will restore the fallen angel. He’ll repeat his rolling blade attack, but the two blades will split.
Solarus will jump at you at 60% health. Avoid his landing pages because he’ll cut you.
At 50% health, he mixes pillars of light and retribution bullet hell. Ignore the fallen angel and focus on Solarus.
Time limit appears. If Solarus isn’t killed in time, phase two of the combat must be restarted.
What all rewards do you earn?
When you beat Solarus, you’ll get a new ability called Conjure Fallen Angel, which enables you to summon an angel to help you battle.