Octavian, the Militia Captain, is a hard-hitting melee brawler who is a Level 58 monster. In V Rising, the following information will assist you in tracking down and eliminating Octavian, the Militia Captain.

What is the location of Octavian The Militia Captain?
The Bastion of Dunley, north of the Dunley Farmlands, is where you’ll find Octavian. You may track down Octavian via the Blood Altar, much like past blood bosses, and the trail will bring you directly to his position.
There are mob groups everywhere across Dunley’s bastion, as well as within the boss chamber. You can easily defeat the mob without triggering the boss.
Because the boss room has little natural light, it’s best to talk to him at night.
What gear do you need?
If you want a solid chance at defeating Octavian, you’ll need two things.
- To fight him head-on, you’ll need some healing supplies.
- To resist against his hard-hitting assaults and heal up when the opportunity arises, you’ll need a few healing and defensive spells.
How to defeat Octavian the Militia Captain?
This one should be kept at a safe distance, but if you aren’t cautious, he may sprint at you. Octavian employs a total of five attack types.
When you first encounter him, he will primarily use two basic attacks: an overhead blow that strikes foes in front of him and fires a rolling sword projectile, and a rolling sword projectile. You will be startled if you are struck by this missile.
His second basic strike is a horizontal slash that hits in front of him, sending him back and launching four spinning swords that do damage and knock him back.
When the monster loses a significant amount of health, he will call Militia Longbowman, who will be a problem later on, thus dealing with them early is suggested.
He also Yells, which does knockback damage, and then charges at you as a follow-up strike. It will inflict a considerable amount of damage if it strikes you.
Finally, Octavian has a special power that allows him to spin and fling spinning swords in all directions, doing huge damage. Rather of confronting him, you should just run around. You must be cautious of this skill since he will use it several times.
What all rewards do you earn?
Octavian, the Militia Captain, will drop the following stuff once you beat him.
- Mirror Strike which is a Vampire Power
- Anvil Structure
- Recipe for Dark Silver Ingot
- Recipe for Dawnthorn Regalia
- Recipe for Dark Silver Weapons