This guide will explain how to defeat Matka, the Curse Weaver Fight in V Rising, as well as the recommended gear and awards that this boss drops.

What is the location of Matka the Curse Weaver?
Matka the Curse Weaver is a level 72 monster in V Rising that isn’t easy to defeat. A Blood Altar may be used to hunt down the boss, just like any other monster.
Once you’ve finished the Hunt Quest, you may build a Blood Altar using 180 stones and 10 Blood Essence. After that, just scroll down and look for the boss.
Matka the Curse Weaver is usually seen roaming around the Cursed Coast Area’s Nest of Curse Weaver.
What gear do you need?
Because you’ll be fighting this monster at level 72, it’s a good idea to improve your gear to that level or higher. It will be difficult to approach near to this monster due to his distinctive moveset.
It’s a good idea to have additional ranged weapons and spells on hand. The crossbow may be used as your primary weapon, and the Sanguine Coil can be used as a spell since it causes a lot of damage while maintaining a safe distance.
How to defeat Matka the Curse Weaver?
It’s not simple to defeat the boss, but if you’re fast on your feet and pay attention to the monster’s assaults, things will go a lot easier. Matka the Curse Weaver’s V Rising moveset is shown below.
Orb Attack: Matka, the Curse Weaver, will send forth orbs that will cause harm if they come into touch with anything. Keep an eye out for the orbs, since they will follow you.
Red AoE: A red AoE ring will be summoned by the monster to follow you around. Standing within these rings will inflict harm on you all of the time.
You may now build your assault plan after you understand how these attacks function and what pattern they follow. The easiest approach to defeat this monster is to attack while continually surrounding him.
You must move out of the line of the boss’s assaults and continue to unleash counterattacks. Continue to circle the boss and strike whenever the opportunity arises.
Shoot arrows, cast spells, and then go moving again. The boss will be defeated if you use this technique. If avoiding the onslaught becomes too tough, you may transform into a pig.
What all rewards do you earn?
Unstable Mosquito is one of V Rising’s many valuable talents. This ability is very beneficial in tight circumstances in ranged confrontations, as it provides you with the required edge to prevail.
When you activate this ability, a mosquito will appear and pursue after the adversary for 1 second before exploding. In the AoE and Amplify, this attack will deliver 60% magic damage.
You will suffer 25% extra damage for 5 seconds if someone inflicts Amplify on you. In V Rising, beating Matka the Curse Weaver unlocks Unstable Mosquito.