In V Rising, Mairwyn the Elementalist is a formidable spellcaster who can harness nature’s power. In V Rising, the following guide will show you where to locate Mairwyn the Elementalist and how to beat her.

What is the location of Mairwyn The Elementalist?
Mairwyn may readily be found southwest of Silverlight Hills in the Emberleaf Grove.
What gear do you need?
In V Rising, Mairwyn is a level 64 boss. To make the battle simpler to handle, you need have a gear level of roughly level 64 or above.
In terms of equipment, the Bone Shield will protect you from the flaming rings she will hurl at you. You may use the shield to produce a swarm of skeletons to block the fire rings, keeping you safe.
Because Mairwyn does a lot of projectile damage, you’ll be evading for the most of the game. For this encounter, you’ll need a decent long–ranged weapon since going melee would make it too tough.
How to defeat Mairwyn the Elementalist?
Mairwyn is an elemental spellcaster, as previously indicated. You’ll have to avoid shots after projectiles as she throws them at you.
The projectiles differ per element, but some of them are powerful enough to single–shot you if you’re not leveled enough.
She will unleash freezing missiles in addition to her fire assaults. As a result, you must maintain a safe distance from her. That is the only way you will be able to avoid and survive all of the missiles coming at you.
Because you’ll already be evading her assaults from a distance, we advocate using ranged attacks to inflict damage on her as a response.
It’s wise to have a clan ready if you’re going melee. You may distract her with a handful of buddies while you get near enough to strike with your melee weapons.
How to get Crystal Lance?
After fighting Mairwyn the Elementalist, you’ll be able to use the Crystal Lance spell. You can use the Crystal Lance to cast ice bolts that shatter into smaller bolts when they hit the ground. The region surrounding the target is likewise frozen by the spell.
You’ll also be able to make Imperial Thread.