One of the first monsters you’ll encounter in V Rising is Keely, the Frost Archer. The following guide will teach you where to locate Keely in V Rising, what gear is advised for beating him, how to defeat him, and the prizes for doing so.

What is the location of Keely the Frost Archer?
In most cases in V Rising, you’ll need to seek down bosses, however Keely may be found in the Bandit Trapper Camp in Farbane Woods.
The eastern Farbane Woods Vampire waygate is near Bandit Trapper. You’ll discover Keely there, as well as a slew of other foes. Prepare accordingly.
What gear do you need?
For this battle, you should be approximately level 20. The following enlisted gear, which requires a Workbench and a Furnace, can improve your chances of success even more:
Copper Spear (16 x copper and 12 x plank required)
Full set of Boneguard Armor (60 x Animal Hide required)
Blood Rose Ring (80 x Plant fiber, 30 x Blood Rose and one Bone Ring required)
How to defeat Keely the Frost Archer?
This battle should not be tough, particularly because Keely is one of the game’s first bosses. You just need a rudimentary understanding of her movesets.
Simply move out of the path as she comes to a halt to charge a strike. Then, before rinsing and repeating, land a couple strikes. It’s best to wipe away the area of any extra foes before fighting Keely, since they’ll be a nuisance throughout the battle.
What all rewards do you earn?
- Frost Bat power is given to you.
- Tanneries are unlocked.