Jade, the Vampire Hunter, is another tough opponent in V Rising who isn’t fond of your type. The instructions below will teach you where to locate her and how to beat her in the game.

What is the location of Jade the Vampire Hunter?
By going to the heart of the Dunley Farmlands, you may easily locate Jade. She’ll be wandering about the neighborhood in a relaxed manner. As soon as she notices you, the interaction will begin.
What gear do you need?
Jade is a dangerous foe, so don’t underestimate her. She’s a boss at level 62. As a result, to have a chance, make sure you have a gear level around that.
When it comes to the gear, battling Jade from distance will give you an edge. To improve your chances of winning, bring an excellent bow or any other ranged weapon with you. Bring at least one ranged spell as well.
Jade makes use of explosives as well as long-range strikes. To defend yourself, you’ll need to take cover, making melee a dangerous choice. Being ranged allows you to hide behind cover before peaking for a shot and then returning to concealment.
How to defeat Jade the Vampire Hunter?
Long-range attacks will be her primary emphasis, and she’ll use a mix of rapid-fire musket bullets and precise, concentrated shots.
In two ways, her ranged fighting talents are emphasized. For starters, certain of her assaults will make you Silent and prohibit you from casting spells. Second, she’ll throw explosive bombs or caltrops at you from time to time to slow you down or damage you.
You can simply overcome her by not playing in public, since doing so is equivalent to suicide. To defend yourself, you may also take shelter. Simply attempt to get her off the road so that you are not distracted by other opponents throughout the battle. It will be very difficult for you to defeat Jade if any other adversary joins her.
You must merely avoid her sniper fire while attempting to retaliate. Just be aware that she tosses explosives close to her feet, so move around regularly and attempt to find a new location.
You may easily overcome her if you follow all of these suggestions and are very careful.
What all rewards do you get?
After beating Jade, you will acquire Chaos Volley. You can shoot x2 Chaos Bolts to deal magic damage and inflict burn damage over time using this ability.
Two new recipes will also be available: Large Explosive and Primal Blood Essence.