One of the numerous bosses you’ll encounter in V Rising is Errol the Stonebreaker. In V Rising, the following information will assist you in finding Errol, the Stonebreaker.

What is the location of Errol the Stonebreaker?
To discover Errol the Stonebreaker, you must first unlock the Blood Altar by progressing far enough in the game. After completing the Hunt Quest, you’ll be able to build the Blood Altar Blueprint, which requires 180 Stones and 10 Blood Essence.
You must interact with the Blood Altar after it has been placed in your fortress. This will display all of the bosses you have yet to face, including Errol the Stonebreaker.
To begin monitoring Errol the Stonebreaker in the Blood Altar, tap the tracking option on the boss. After clicking the track option, switching to your wolf state will offer you the boss’s smell (which appears as a faint red trail), making it simpler to locate him.
The deepest depths of the Bandit Copper Mines, southwest of Farbane Woods, are home to Errol the Stonebreaker boss.
You can’t be sure where he is in the Bandit Copper Mines, which is where the Scent comes in; you’ll need to use it to track down the monster farther down.
What gear do you need?
We suggest that you raise your gear level to roughly 20 before battling Errol the Stonebreaker. This is accomplished by equipping yourself with a full set of Plate Boneguard Armor, which offers enough protection.
Copper Weapons, which provide high damage at close range, and a Crossbow, which is helpful for distant strikes, are also available.
How to defeat Errol the Stonebreaker?
Remember to stock up on Vermin Salves to replenish HP before fighting Errol the Stonebreaker. This is due to the fact that the boss is surrounded by a swarm of AI adversaries, as well as the possibility of additional players.
To defeat Errol the Stonebreaker, we suggest completing the lesser objectives first so you may face Errol the Stonebreaker one-on-one.
Errol’s attacks consist of about two kinds of attacks, as well as the capacity to produce minions around him.
The first of his attacks fires projectiles outward in a straight line; you’ll see this coming when you see Errol the Stonebreaker smash his hammer on the ground.
The impact area of this assault may also be seen on the ground as a blue and red hue. Shortly after the line emerges, the assault is delayed, and the earth bursts from inside at regular intervals along the line.
The second sort of assault he does is quite similar to the first, except instead of one line representing an area of effect, there will be four, making an X with Errol in the center.
It’s simple to avoid these strikes as long as you remain away from the impact zone, which is readily apparent. Regular attacks will suffice against this monster, but stay a safe distance from him since he excels at melee combat.
What all rewards do you earn?
You may extract the V Blood from Errol the Stonebreaker after beating him, which provides you the Aftershock ability. After beating this foe, you get access to the Big Stash, which is a simple inventory enhancement.