The Alpha wolf is a white wolf V Blood carrier in V Rising, and beating him and drinking his blood grants you special abilities. The Alpha Wolf, on the other hand, isn’t about to give up without a fight. We’ll cover all you need to know about the Alpha Wolf’s location, suggested gear, how to fight him, and the prizes and abilities you’ll get in our V Rising guide.

What is the location of Alpha Wolf?
The players may discover Alpha Wolf Boss relaxing in the Wolf’s Den in Eastern Farbane Woods.
The Bandit Copper Mine is located north of the Desecrated Graveyard. The Wolf’s Den may be found east of the Bandit Copper Mine. The combat starts as soon as you arrive at the site and get near to the Alpha Wolf.
Because some players have claimed that Alpha Wolf Boss did not arrive at this area, you should follow the blood trail to the eastern forests to reach the correct position.
What gear do you need?
It is critical that the players examine their equipment before engaging in combat with this monster. Your Gear level should be 16 and you should have a set of reinforced bones equipment equipped.
How do you defeat the Alpha Wolf Boss?
Now we’ll talk about the tactics you’ll need to use to fight the Alpha Wolf. You must be cautious while battling this monster since he might be aggressive and cunning throughout the battle.
The Alpha Wolf has three attacks: a close-range bite, a charge, and a roar with a minor AoE strike.
Staying at a safe distance from the Alpha Wolf and kiting his strikes is the best technique here. You may pull away from his bite for a moment and then strike again when he stops biting.
You must keep an eye on the Alpha Wolf charge to check whether it stops traveling. The Alpha Wolf is going to charge at this point. When you see him approaching, just move out of the path.
You have a window of opportunity after you’ve dodged to spam out all of your strikes while the Wolf recovers.
The Alpha Wolf charges up and glows red in preparation for the howl. This alters his attacks, resulting in a tiny AoE strike. Simply utilize the same method as he used when he bit you.
The Alpha Wolf summons wolf minions when he reaches half health. These are very vulnerable and may be taken out in a matter of seconds. Take care of them first, then return your attention to the Alpha Wolf.
What all rewards do you earn?
Because the Alpha Wolf is a V Blood Carrier, drinking its blood after fighting it gives you powers. As a prize for decimating the Alpha Wolf monster, you will get the powerful Wolf Form.