Vampires in V Rising must avoid sunlight at all costs. In our V Rising post, we’ll discuss sleep mechanics and coffin survival.

How to stay awake during the day?
V Rising contains Day and Night cycles, much like any other survival game. What makes this game unique is that your character is a vampire, which means that keeping track of time is critical for you since sunlight poses a serious danger to your life. As a result, evening is the best time for players to carry out their adventures and move through the game plot.
Construction of coffins and a profound sleep are two of the finest methods for players to escape the light in V Rising. To put your vampire to sleep, hit the F key when approaching your coffin.
For this to function, you must first create a coffin, and the earliest coffin you can make in V Rising is a Wooden Coffin.
While it does not aid in the passage of time, it does serve as a protective shell from the sun’s blistering rays. While you wait for the darkness to descend, you may relax in there.
It’s important to understand the day and night cycle
The Daytime in V Rising runs from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., while the Nighttime runs from 7 p.m. to 9 a.m. In real-time, these cycles last roughly 15-20 minutes on average.
The nights in V Rising are longer, which works to your benefit since you’ll have plenty of time to finish your tasks and other activities before the sun returns with its blistering heat.
Signs of daylight
Aside from the timings, only a few signals indicate the dawn, the most evident being the first. When your screen gradually brightens, it implies the sun is shining and it’s time to go to your castle.
When the sun is shining brightly, a beam of light will strike your character straight from the sky. Protect yourself by finding a nearby shelter.
Finally, as the Day approaches, a sound effect will begin to play, gradually becoming louder. It’s time to flee when this occurs. Keeping these Daylight indications in mind will save you a lot of trouble and help you travel to Night safely.
How to survive daylight?
If you want to test the waters, you may leave the castle during the day; however, keep in mind that not only will you be exposed to the sun, but any damage you get from foes will be amplified owing to your already depleted health pool. As a result, we urge that you remain indoors when the sun is shining and wait for the Night.
You don’t have to be concerned if you come into touch with sunlight by mistake. You’ll have a grace meter that allows you time before the sun can do any harm, and you may use that time to go someplace away from the burning solar rays. Be prepared to be converted into dust if the grace timer runs out before you reach a safe location.
We urge that you seek for any nearby shelters, platforms, boulders, or trees that may provide you with some temporary shade and allow you to reset your grace period.
Return to the castle after that is completed. You may also use the recipes obtained from the V Bloods to prolong the grace period even more.
How do you benefit from sleeping in a coffin?
Sleeping in a coffin not only protects you from the sun, but it also allows you to stop the game and do anything you want. Don’t get me wrong: V Rising doesn’t have a pause button.
Thankfully, putting your character in the coffin will not deplete your health, and you will be protected from assaults from other players and foes. It will also allow you to take a break from the game and do anything you like.
It’s also worth noting that, in addition to providing superb sun protection, the coffin is also a good weapon for evading adversaries. If you’re being pursued by a wolf pack, don’t be concerned. Toss yourself into a Wooden or Stone Coffin and wait for the foes to vanish.
Additionally, these coffins serve as respawn places. You can have one respawn point per coffin, thus depending on how many coffins you unlock, you’ll have at least three or more bases to teleport to.