As you continue through V Rising, you may encounter regions that provide you different debuffs if you linger in them for too long. This article will explain what Garlic Exposure is and how to deal with it.

What exactly is garlic exposure?
When you leave the Farbane Woods and enter the Dunley Farmlands. Many regions, particularly farms, will defend themselves against vampires by tying Garlic all over the place. They may be seen on the entry gates if you look closely. Staying in the region for too long may cause you to accumulate stacks of Garlic Exposure, which can reach 100 stacks!
What is the Effect of Garlic Exposure?
This is a severe debuff that increases your damage received by 1% every stack while decreasing your damage inflicted by 0.5 percent per stack. As previously said, this may build up to 100 stacks the longer you are exposed to it. At 100 stacks, you will absorb 100% more damage and deal 50% less damage.
How to Get Rid of Garlic Exposure?
As of present, the only method to get rid of Garlic Exposure is to wait it out; it takes around 20 seconds for 1 stack to go without any Garlic resistance. At 90 Garlic resistance, it took around 20 seconds for four stacks to vanish. Furthermore, the maximum stack you may achieve with 90 Garlic resistance is 33. So, if you have 100 stacks of Garlic Exposure, utilizing the Hunter’s Cloak, a Garlic Resistance Potion, and transforming to bear form will immediately reduce your stacks to 33. In either case, you’ll want to keep safe by creating within your Castle or, at the very least, you don’t want to take down a V Boss with maximum stacks!
Boosting Your Garlic Resistance
The resistances are shown to the right of your character on the character screen, which is accessible by hitting Tab. This will show you your current resistances to each damaging effect, such as Sun, Garlic, Holy, Fire, and Silver. Extend your Garlic resistance to lessen the application rate at which you get stacks, raise your recovery time, and increase the maximum stacks you may receive. For example, 15 Garlic resistance reduces the application of the stacks you get by 60%, increases the recovery rate by 60%, and lowers the maximum stacks you may acquire to 89. As a result, cultivating regions with Garlic Exposure with as much resistance to it as feasible is usually suggested.
How to Boost Garlic Resistance?
There are many ways to boost your resistance to garlic. One method is to use consumables to provide a temporary boost that may last up to 20 minutes. The alternative, more permanent approach is to equip gear with Garlic Resistance + X.