Exquisite Hearts are uncommon consumables and one of the most difficult resources to get in V Rising. This article will go over how to get Exquisite Hearts in V Rising as well as some of the greatest farm areas.

List of locations of the Exquisite Hearts Farms
In V Rising, Exquisite Hearts are reagents. Farming them might be difficult since they are one of the most difficult in-game things to get.
However, there are a few spots in V Rising where you may get these uncommon things, such as:
- Silverlight Hills
- Dunley Farmlands
- Cursed Farmlands
Silverlight Hills
The first Exquisite Hearts may be obtained in Silverlight Hills, Brighthaven Square. Their major adversaries in this region are Knights. As a result, while entering the region, make sure you are well-armed.
The Brighthaven Cathedral is the next location in Silverlight Hills that has several Exquisite Hearts. The Paladin is the major mob in this location, and you must beat at least 68 foes before you may harvest the Hearts.
Because the majority of your adversaries will have Holy attacks in their armory, it’s essential to employ Holy Resistance Flask against them.
Dunley Farmlands
Dunley Farmlands is located in the center of the map, giving you access to all adjacent places, allowing you to discover a range of agricultural sites.
The Dunley Farmlands are the best area to cultivate Exquisite Hearts. The first location you’ll visit is Gloomgrave Village.
You must be level 60 or above to even consider battling the werewolves in this settlement.
When you reach a higher level, go into the region at night and battle the werewolves to get Exquisite Hearts.
Abandoned Farm is also a good spot to go if you’ve reached a higher level since it’s been taken over by werewolves who give you Exquisite Hearts when beaten.
Cursed Farmlands
The Cursed Farmlands, Lurker Dwelling, is the last area to visit while looking for Exquisite Hearts. Cursed monsters abound in this region, ranging from Cursed Bears to Night lurkers.
The Witch Hunt is the next region you’ll visit. The name of the location pretty much tells away the sort of opponents you’ll encounter. When you vanquish the Witch Hut, you will get various rare artifacts such as the Exquisite Hearts.