This article contains information on where to find Scales in V Rising. We’ll go through the greatest spots in the Cursed Forest to get this important stuff, such as Toads, Spiders, Mosquitoes, and Earthworms. We’ll also go over how Scales work in the game.

Kill the Cursed Forest’s toads, spiders, mosquitoes, & earthworms
Scales may be obtained by killing several sorts of monsters in the Cursed Forest zone. All of which is situated northeast of Vardoran. Various monsters will drop different quantities of Scales. Earthworms drop the most, often yielding between 50 and 80 Scales. However, these animals are rather uncommon in the Cursed Forest. They often only spawn by ambushing you in the region’s swamp / marsh parts, notably in the northwest. The good news is that if you travel about this region killing Toads, Spiders, and Mosquitoes. It shouldn’t be long until an Earthworm emerges. You should have at least one stack of 500 Scales by the time you’re done.
In addition to the swamp / marsh parts of the Cursed Forest, Scales from Spiders may be found in the Spider Cave. This is situated in the extreme north of the Cursed Forest. These animals drop fewer Scales than the majority of the other species. However, since there are so many of them, you may still leave the cave with a good number.
Deconstruct fish in the Devourer
The approach described above in the Cursed Forest is by far the quickest and most effective way to farm Scales. Although fishing is also an option. Before you may go fishing, you must first create a Fishing Pole from the Woodworking Bench. The ingredients for which can be obtained by fighting Rufus the Foreman (Level 20).
When you’ve caught a sufficient number of fish, you may deposit them in your castle’s Devourer. The formula is obtained from Lidia the Chaos Archer (Level 26), thus you’ll be battling both of these enemies at the same time. Each fish will produce a variable number of Scales, with uncommon species producing 10+ Scales and some even producing over 50 Scales. Keep in mind, though, that many of the most common fish do not provide Scales when dismantled by the Devourer. Although cultivating Scales in the Cursed Forest is significantly more difficult, it’s the primary approach you may utilize while you’re a low level, particularly if you’re still largely exploring inside Farbane Woods.
What is the purpose of scales?
Scales are currently only used as a needed component for the Dawnthorn armor set, which can be manufactured at the Tailoring Bench. To make a whole set of this armor, you’ll need 480 Scales, with each component needing 120 Scales. You’ll also need Ghost Yarn and Pristine Leather to make them, both of which can be obtained in the Cursed Forest.