Welcome to our ‘V Rising: How Do You Expand & Move Your Castle?‘ guide. In this guide we will discuss how to expand and move your castle easily in V Rising. So, let’s jump right into it.

How to increase the size of your castle in V Rising?
The best place to construct your castle is near resources like rocks and trees.
You’ll need 20 stones and 2 Blood Essence to turn your castle into a fully functional foundation. Stones can only be discovered in rocky locations. However, Blood Essence is obtained by killing opponents and animals.
As a result, if you want to extend your castle, it’s important to choose a resourceful place.
Once you’ve gathered all of the necessary materials, go to the “Build Menu” by pressing B and choosing “Borders” underneath the Fundamentals Tab to effectively extend your fortress.
What is the castle heart limit in V Rising?
Your whole Base is built around the Castle Heart. It not only serves as the foundation for your castle, but it also has a few special qualities. The first is the ability to expand the number of Borders and Servants in your Castle.
The second ability is to defend your base from attackers outside the castle.
You may begin by installing a single Castle Heart in your castle; this will provide you with all of the security and higher limitations need to survive in V Rising.
How do you move your castle?
To access your Castle’s Build Mode, press B. After it has been opened, pick the Castle Heart and move your castle to the appropriate spot. Just make sure the site you’re relocating to is free of any buildings or floors and simply has dirt on it.
If the desired location is not completely cleared, you may use the spacebar key (dismantle button) to demolish everything on the land you want to migrate to.
The “Blocked by Border” bug
Many players have encountered an issue while moving their Castle in V Rising, which displays a warning (“Blocked by Border“) every time you attempt to move your Castle.
This problem can simply remedied by reducing the border block on the tile in the location where you want to transfer your fortress.