The Twilight Snapper is among the most elusive fish in V Rising. To get the Putrid Rat Form with a Vermin Nest, you’ll need this fish. The location of the Twilight Snapper Fish as well as how to capture it will be discussed in this guide.

All locations of Twilight Snapper Farms in V Rising
Each object in V Rising has a specific function. Either the item or the upgrade may help you win a boss battle or enhance your base. Twilight Snapper is a rare fish that, when combined with a Vermin Nest, allows you to unlock the Putrid Rat Form.
Finding this uncommon fish, however, isn’t as easy as it seems. To capture it, you must first create a Fishing Pole, which requires the completion of extra missions.
The Best Way to Make a Fishing Pole
To make a Fishing Pole in V Rising, you must defeat Rufus the Foreman, a monster. This boss may be found in the Farbane Woods near Bandit Logging Camp. Because he is a level 20 boss, you must face him when you’re near to his level.
Given that Rufus is the third monster you’ll encounter in V Rising, you’ll have lots of opportunities to level up. Rufus the Foreman drops a Woodworking Bench recipe and a Fishing Pole once you beat him.
You may also make your own Fishing Pole by manually using the Woodworking Bench technique. To make the bench, just gather 12 Planks and 60 Animal Hide, then use it to make the Fishing Pole using 6–8 Planks, 3–4 Copper Ingots, and 3-4 Coarse Thread.
Twilight Snapper Locations
It’s time to locate the Twilight Snapper once you’ve gathered all of the ingredients required to make a Fishing Pole.
However, being a rare item, you should be aware that this fish has no set location and may spawn in any body of water.
Farbane Woods is the only place where it has a good probability of hatching. When you get at the area, look for a white mark on the water.
This is where you must use the Fishing Pole to attack and wait until you hear a splashing noise, signaling that a fish has been hooked in the hook. In V Rising, press the action button one more to capture the Twilight Snapper fish and unlock the Putrid Rat Form.