Welcome to our guide “The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: What Does The World of The Witcher Include?”. The most vital info about The Witcher 3’s world will be on this guide. We write about things like the overall size of the game’s map or how much freedom we have to travel around the world.

What does the World of The Witcher include?
One of the most important changes and new things within The Witcher 3 is how the world is put together. The places where each chapter took place, which were usually kind of open, have been taken away. They chose to make the world of the game open this time. For most of the game, gamers can go anywhere in the world and return to places they’ve already been. In The Witcher 3, the world was split into three main parts.
⦁ White Orchard: This is where you start. Here, Geralt will meet his first few important NPCs, finish his first few quests, and face his first few bigger enemies.
⦁ Velen and Novigrad: The map with the most detail. There are both wide open spaces and villages and towns. “Oxenfurt” and the “Free City of Novigrad” are the two largest cities.
⦁ Skellige islands: This map shows a large number of small and large islands. A boat can take you from one to the other.
Not every area is open right away. You shouldn’t have any trouble getting into them, though. Once you know how to get into a place, you can return there as often as you want. While you are touring a map in The Witcher 3, there seem to be no loading screens. This is an important part of the game. When you wish to travel to a different map, you have to load.
Velen, Novigrad and Skellige are the two largest maps. White Orchard is smaller in size, however it’s a tutorial. World of Witcher 3 is 40 times bigger than Witcher 2 and 20% bigger than “The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim”. The largest map takes several minutes to reach by horse or boat. But, The Witcher 3 offers rapid travel.
So, this was our guide “The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: What Does The World of The Witcher Include?”. Feel free to leave a comment below!