Welcome to our guide “The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: What Are Mutagens?”. This guide for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has everything you need to know about mutagens. We discuss what they are as well as what you will get when you combine the same-colored mutagens & skills.

What are Mutagens in The Witcher 3?
Mutagens are unique things that help Geralt get stronger. Like skills, they have to go in certain places in the character window.
⦁ The main goal of red mutagens is to make attacks stronger.
⦁ The power of witcher signs is increased by blue mutagens.
⦁ Geralt’s health bar gets bigger when he eats green mutagens.
There’s only 4 mutagen slots and just like skill slots, not every of them are open at the start. Geralt will need to attain level 28 in order to open all of the slots. The important thing is that mutagens can work with your skills. When you put a mutagen with a skill of the exact colour in the same group of slots, this happens. For instance: adding 3 red skills from the Fencing category to a red mutagen will make it much more powerful. You don’t have to connect colours if you don’t want to but the more links you make, the better it would be for Geralt.
Most of the time, you can get mutagens by assassinating monsters and searching their bodies. You can also make them yourself using alchemy. Several low-level mutagens can be combined to make a single high-level mutagen.
So, this was our guide “The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt: What Are Mutagens?”. Feel free to leave a comment below!