Because you can have fun and make money by pursuing a job as a Tech Guru in The Sims 4, this is one of the finest career paths available to you in the game. You will have the opportunity to choose between two fantastic alternatives, such as programming or gaming. In contrast to other careers, which need you to do menial tasks from 9 to 5, this one will pay you more money in the beginning for doing something as easy as playing video games.
As a Tech Guru, you have the option of either building programs or games, or hacking computer systems. This guide will provide you with all of the information you want on the Tech Guru profession in The Sims 4. Including the most useful abilities, career levels, job rankings, greatest modifications, and hacks.
Becoming a Tech Guru in Sims 4
In The Sims 4, if you want to pursue a profession as a Tech Guru, the very first thing you are going to need is a computer. The next step is to go to the Career Panel, which is located in the lower right corner of the screen, and choose Tech Guru from the list of available jobs. You will then be presented with the option of selecting a level 1 job, which in your case is that of a Live Chat Support Agent.
The game has imposed an obligatory condition that players must have level 2 programming experience in order to advance in the Tech Guru ranks. After you have practiced your programming abilities for a period of four hours, you will immediately be upgraded to the level 2 programmer tier without having to take any more tests.
The Tech Guru Career Cheat Codes
To access the cheating menu, you must first press Control, Shift, and C on your keyboard. Once you have accessed the menu, you will need to type testingcheats on or testing cheats true and then hit enter. After that, you may activate them by entering any one of the following codes:
If you want to progress your sim’s painting career and gain a promotion to the next level, which has a higher income and additional perks, you may use the “careers.promote techguru” command to do so.
Use the command “careers. Demote techguru” to have your Sim move back a level in their career. If you have already chosen a professional path, using this cheat will prevent you from going backwards.