If you have a loved one in The Sims 4 that you want to get together with quickly. You can use these Relationship cheats to help you build your relationship in seconds. So that you don’t have to wait to establish your relationship. This will allow you to avoid having to wait to get together with your loved one. In this manner, you will be able to devote the greatest amount of time possible to your cherished Sim.

We’ve made it simple for you to exploit the flaws in The Sims 4‘s relationship system by compiling a list of all the hacks that are applicable and helpful in this tutorial. I just wish that relationships could be exploited in the same way in real life.
How do you enable the relationship cheats?
The process of remembering cheats is already challenging, but The Sims 4 has made it much more tough by introducing an additional step before the trick can be used. In order to utilize the cheat, you will first need to enable the option. This may be done by following one of the directions that is specific to the console that you are using, which are as follows:
If you are using a personal computer to play, hit the keys Ctrl, Shift, and C.
Simply pressing Command + Shift + C will do the trick if you are using a Mac OS.
If you are using an Xbox or a PlayStation to play the game, you need simultaneously press all of the trigger buttons.
A pop-up box will appear on top of the screen after the previous step has been completed in its entirety. After entering either “testingcheats true” or “testingcheats on,” be sure you hit the “enter” button. Following that, the game will indicate that the cheats have been enabled successfully.
In the event that you decide you no longer wish to make use of the cheats. You may turn them off by typing testingcheats false or testingcheats off into the pop-up window. Then, in the same pop-up window, write in the cheats you want to use and hit enter when you are finished.
The best relationship cheats for romance
This trick, which operates in the same manner as the others, will either ramp up or dial down the amount of romance in the game. Here are all of the secrets to romantic success:
Increase Romance
You have the ability to raise the romance by whatever value you choose with the use of this trick. If you wish to enhance the romance between Codie Leonard and Kelly Leonard to a level of 50, for instance, the cheat will look like this:
ModifyRelationship Codie Leonard Kelly Leonard 50 LTR_Romance_Main
Decrease Romance
This hack is available to you in the event that. So you feel the need to reduce the level of romance by any value. For instance, if you wish to reduce the amount of romantic interest between Codie Leonard and Kelly Leonard from 30 to 20. Then cheat will appear like this:
ModifyRelationship Codie Leonard Kelly Leonard -20 LTR_Romance_Main