You may uncover a number of hints and clues in the Quarry that will throw further light on the terrible events that took place in the past. They include further details on the Freakshow Fire, in addition to the history of the Summer Camp and the Hackett family.

Clues are yet another kind of collectable in the game; however, unlike the other types of collectibles, such as the bits of evidence and tarot cards that are scattered around Hackett’s Quarry, they do not necessarily impact the game’s endings.
You will be able to locate all of the clues in The Quarry with the aid of the following instructions.
Locations of all the Clues
In all, there are forty hints hidden around The Quarry for players to discover. They may be found in any one of the game’s ten different chapters.
Because the narrative is driven by the tale, it will actually direct you to some of them, making some of them rather simple to locate. You will, however, need to do some investigating in order to find the other clues, all of which will be cleverly concealed so that they cannot be seen at first glance.
Clues in the Quarry Prologue
Clue #1
Laura should go from the location where Max works on cars and drop down the lower route in order to obtain the “Harum Scarum Poster Clue.” As you make your way up the trail, you will see a poster hanging from one of the trees. Take a look at the hint over there.
Clue #2
Almost soon after the conclusion of the last hint, there is a little split in the route. While the second one continues further, the first one leads to a dead end. To discover where the “Escapology Trunk Clue” is hidden, you must first ascend the trail and then open the trunk.
Clue #3
A decision point will present itself to you not long after the final hint has been given. After that, there is a secluded spot in the woods to the right of where you are standing. On this road going to the right, you’ll find the “Broken Cage Clue.”
Clue #4
When Max and Laura travel to Hackett’s Quarry at the beginning of the story, they find a storm shelter under the quarry. After you unlock the two doors to enter the building, you should immediately go in the direction of the room’s center to locate the “Blooded Collar Clue.”
Clues in Chapter 1
Clue #1
After having a conversation with Kaitlyn at the beginning of the chapter, you should go outside the lodge. Begin moving in the direction of the parked automobiles to find the “Hunting Notice Clue” that is located just outside the gate.
Clue #2
Proceed to the main entrance of the lodge at the campsite. You will see a scourge on the wall to the left of the entrance. Engage the item in conversation to get the “Camp Plaque Clue.”
Clue #3
Follow Emma inside the cabin to search for your luggage while posing as Abigail. Proceed inside, and begin your search in the bunks that are located in the upper left corner of the cabin. Between two of the bunks is where you’ll find the “Newspaper Headline Scrap Clue.”
Clue #4
The “Camp Song Recording Clue” may be found outside the cabin in the surrounding area. You should go to Room 008, but you should not go inside. The answer may be found on the stairs leading up to the entrance.
Clue #5
The last piece of information for Chapter 1 may be found on the other side of the tree that is situated in the midst of the cottages. Look for a signage that indicates how far the various cities are apart from one another. This is the “Information Signpost Clue” that you were looking for.
Clues in Chapter 2
Clue #1
You may discover the “Damaged Memorabilia Clue” on the shelves that are located in the far rear of the chamber that houses the camp store.
Clue #2
Make your way to the storage section of the camp. A rack is located on the wall to the right of where you are standing. Visit the drawings that are displayed on the shelf and engage with them in order to acquire the “Lodge Renovation Plans Clue.”
Clue #3
If you want to locate the “Family Photo Clue,” take control of Dylan in Chris’ workplace and interact with the front of his desk.
Clue #4
After climbing back up from the trapdoor, Dylan will go through Chris’s drawers to find the ledger that corresponds to the “Counsellor’s Ledger Clue.” There was no sign of Max and Laura, although their names are stated in this clue.
Clue #5
This clue may only be accessed if you choose the Shady Glade branch and cast Abigail in the role of Nick. To locate the “Trail Camera Clue,” you will need to make your way to the right side of the forest.
Clue #6
Keep an eye out for the last piece of information on the reverse side of the first area. This location has a box that may be opened to reveal the “Ranger Box Clue.”
Clues in Chapter 3
Clue #1
On the ground level of the boathouse where Jacob is located, there is a table with a newspaper on it. The “North Kill Gazette Clue” may be found at the building’s geographic center.
Clue #2
The “No Swimming Sign Clue” may be found on the ground level, just across from the clue that was discussed before in this paragraph.
Clue #3
The boathouse is the location of the “Old Camp Photo Clue” that must be found. It is attached to a pole on the other side of the boathouse, which is located on the lower level.
Clues in Chapter 4
Clue #1
When you are in charge of Emma, you may look around the island for the “Box of Matches Clue,” which you will find there. If you continue down the route that is lower, you will, at some point, find a ladder that climbs higher. To the left, a fire has been kindled, and the matches will be located close.
Clue #2
After locating the clue indicated above, you should make your way back down the stairs. Go back to the staircase and use the tip that was given before to help you climb it. The cabin may be found at the very top. In order to receive the “Police Car Keys Clue,” all you need to do is interact with the window on the left before entering the room.
Clues in Chapter 5
Clue #1
When Ryan and Dylan are on their way to the radio tower in Chapter 5, you may enter the cabin portion of the region by going to the left of the enormous structure with the pool, which is where the entrance is located. This location is home to a gate. The “Triggered Bear Trap Clue” may be found just next to it.
Clue #2
You should begin your hunt for the “Letter To Camp Nurse Clue” as soon as you enter the cabins. It should be located on the ground between rooms 3 and 4.
Clues in Chapter 6
Clue #1
As soon as you enter the pool house in the role of Abigail, go to the locker room at the room’s rear entrance. A corkboard is located right next to them. The “Campers Photo Clue” will be provided to you if you interact with it.
Clue #2
At the far opposite end of the pool house is where you’ll find a locker. Interacting with it will reveal a drawing that’s been hidden within. When you look more closely at the drawing, the “Spooky Drawing Clue” will become obvious to you. Because there is a hidden timer, this piece of information might easily be missed; thus, it is imperative that you retrieve it.
Clue #3
When you take control of Emma, you will find yourself back in the Firepit. Find one of the tents, and a child will deliver a message to you there. It contains the “Kid’s Letter Home Clue,” so make sure you read it.
Clues in Chapter 7
Clue #1
When you are at the detention facility as Emma and Max has been hauled away for questioning, the “Scrawled Limerick Clue” will be in the cell next to you. It is etched onto the wall of her dungeon cell.
Clue #2
Later on in the chapter, you will be given permission to move around the police station in any way that you like. Proceed up the flight of steps to reach an office that may be entered via the second set of doors. A box that is pushed up against the wall on the right side of the room contains the “Charred Sheriff’s Badge Clue.”
Clue #3
After that, go downstairs and use the computer in the office located in the most distant area of the station. You will need to travel to the third room on the third level if you do not know Travis’ password. As you go in, look both behind you and at the calendar to find out when Travis’ birthday is.
Next, as you are making your way back down the stairs, go inside the room that is directly next to the top of the stairs and interact with the birthday card to find out how old Travis is. This gives you the ability to not only retrieve the password for the computer but also listen to the podcast, which will serve as the “Bizarre Yet Bonafide Podcast Clue.”
Clues in Chapter 8
Clue #1
When Ryan and Laura travel down into the ancient tunnels, you may avoid climbing the stairs by going around the rock instead of walking up the steps. Hidden under a boulder is the “Miner’s Lunchbox Clue,” which must be located.
Clue #2
To the left of the stairway that goes upstairs is where you will discover a collection of various tools. Simply interacting with them will get you access to the “Old Quarry Tools hint.”
Clue #3
When you are playing as Ryan at the Hackett House, you may find the “Rum Still Clue” if you look carefully. Take a left turn and walk through the door that was directly in front of you when you first gained control of him. Engage with the artwork that is shown on the left wall of this room.
Clues in Chapter 9
Clue #1
If you are playing the game as Laura, you may get the first hint if you decide to run away rather than hide from the monster. Once you have entered the room with the stairs, you will see that there is a trophy hanging on the wall. Interacting with the trophy that is hanging on the wall will allow you to get the “Hunting Trophy Wall hint.”
Clue #2
Proceed upward and upon reaching the top floor, you will see an office on the same floor as Laura’s. In order to find the “Hackett Family Tree Clue,” check in the left corner of the room for a family tree that is sitting next to a chair.
Clue #3
When you are in the scrapyard with Dylan, you should investigate the note in the garage and then go upstairs. The note that is now sitting on this desk is the “Scrapyard Note Clue.”
Clue #4
This piece of information may be found at the scrapyard after you take control of Dylan there. You will go down either of the two sets of stairs, and if you walk down the staircase on the left side, turn right, and you will discover the “Discarded Signage Clue.”
Clues in Chapter 10
Clue #1
During the course of Kaitlyn or Dylan’s investigation of the lodge, they could stumble into the location of this clue. After descending the first flight of steps, stay to the left at the fork in the path. The “Camp Letter Clue” may be found in the center of the ground floor, surrounded by beds, in the room that is near to the little stairs that is located in the open space on the top level.
Clue #2
Follow the balcony around to the first floor of the lodge, where there is a portrait hanging in the center of the room over the fireplace. This is the “Ancestral Portrait Clue,” and it may be interacted with.
Clue #3
The “Ticket Stub Clue” may be located just next to the artwork that was done by the ancestor. You’ll find it on the ground around the corner of the railing.
Clue #4
After navigating around the painting, go on to the first classroom located on the other side of the level. From that point on, you should go into the second classroom. Play around with the board so you can figure out what the “Chalkboard Doodle Clue” is.
Clue #5
Take the stairs now, which are located right outside the classroom in the previous hint. Find the ring that is lying on the ground up against the couch. Take possession of the ring in order to get the “Inscribed Jewelry Clue.”